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Advance Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic

Advance Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic

Show Phone Number

142, Longstone Street, Lisburn, County Antrim, BT28 1TRUK

Very Good
from 3 users
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Opening hours

Monday08:30 - 19:30
Tuesday08:30 - 18:30
Wednesday08:30 - 18:30
Thursday08:30 - 19:30
Friday08:30 - 18:30
Prices from £60 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Very Good ServiceScore™ 7.3 from 3 votes ★ Visit our Physiotherapy Clinic - 142, Longstone Street, Lisburn, County Antrim, BT28 1TR, UK.

Popular Treatments

Physiotherapist Consultation from £60
Deep Tissue Massage from £60
Sports Massage from £60
Back Pain Treatment from £60
Spinal Rehabilitation - Neck and Back Injury from £60
Spinal Manipulation
Pilates (eight week course) from £80
Sports Injury Rehabilitation - Strapping and Taping from £60
Posture Management from £60
Ergonomic Assessments and Advice from £60
See all treatments & prices

About Advance Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic

Four chartered physiotherapists provide a range of treatments at this clinic located in Lisburn in County Antrim in Northern Ireland. The clinic is registered with the Health and Care Professionals Council. Conditions treated at the clinic include sports injuries, soft tissue injuries, musculoskeletal disorders and arthritic pain. Procedures performed include spinal mobilization and manipulation, joint manipulation and mobilization, acupuncture, electrotherapy, sports massage, taping, exercise prescriptions, Pilates, posture and workplace ergonomics guidance and soft tissue release. Post injury rehabilitation is also provided.

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  • CSP - Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (UK) 
  • HCPC - Health and Care Professions Council (UK) 
  • AACP - Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (UK) 
  • MACP - Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (UK) 


Parking - There is on street parking nearby.Accessible to disabled people - The clinic is a ground floor clinic and has easy access for wheelchairs.Public transport access - Local buses stop a few yards down the road.Wheelchair accessible toiletAccess without stepsDisabled parkingPatient bathroomWireless access

Clinic services

Text message reminders - Text message reminders are sent out daily.


from £60


from £60

Ergonomic Assessments and Advice

from £60

Physiotherapist Consultation

Physiotherapist Consultation - Advance Physiotherapy & Sports Injury ClinicPhysiotherapist Consultation - Advance Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic
45 minutes
from £80

Pilates (eight week course)

Pilates (eight week course) - Advance Physiotherapy & Sports Injury ClinicPilates (eight week course) - Advance Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic
1 Hour
from £60

Posture Management

from £60

Spinal Rehabilitation - Neck and Back Injury

Spinal Rehabilitation - Neck and Back Injury - Advance Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic
from £60

Sports Injury Rehabilitation - Strapping and Taping

Sports Injury Rehabilitation - Strapping and Taping - Advance Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic
45 minutes

Massage Therapy

from £60

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage - Advance Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic
from £60

Sports Massage

40 minutes


from £60

Back Pain Treatment

Back Pain Treatment - Advance Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic

Spinal Manipulation


from £60

Acupuncturist Consultation

Acupuncturist Consultation - Advance Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic
Advance Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic - Patricia graduated in 1985 as a Chartered Physiotherapist at the University of Ulster. She gained 20 years experience in all aspects of physiotherapy. She has been in private practice and established this clinic in 1992.

Payment information

ChequesCredit cards


Private Patients WelcomeEmergency NHSBUPABUPAAXA PPP HealthcareAXA PPP HealthcareCIGNA HealthcareCIGNA HealthcareWPAWPASimplyhealthSimplyhealth
Mr Timothy Liggat BSc (Hons). HCPC. CSP. - Physiotherapist at Advance Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic

Mr Timothy Liggat BSc (Hons). HCPC. CSP.

Job Title:
  Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy, Physiotherapy

Tim graduated with a 1


 class honours in physiotherapy from Ulster University and has since been working in a private clinical setting. During his graduate course he specialised in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders using an evidence based hands on approach.

Tim has a keen interest in chronic back pain and completed his research dissertation on treatments techniques for fibromyalgia and chronic pain. He has learned from specialist physiotherapists from London who treated spinal cord injury and uses a biopsychosocial approach to his treatment, where he looks at the physical and psychological aspects of your injury to help make the best improvements possible.

Previously Tim also graduated with a degree in Applied Sport Science from Edinburgh University, where he learnt specialist biomechanical, physiological and psychological assessment of sports such as running, cycling, athletic events including throwing and jumping events, and team sports such as rugby and hockey. He has now used these skills from his sport science degree to complement his physiotherapy assessment and treatment of sporting injuries including muscle strains, tendon and ligament and nerve pain.

Tim is a keen cyclist and runner having cycled 330 miles from London to Paris helping to raise £30,000 for the spinal injuries unit in London and has now completed two half marathons. As Tim is a keen cyclist and runner he has had personal experiences of injuries and the types of treatment required to decrease pain and improve function.

Tim has completed pilates training with the APPI and runs weekly pilates classes in advance physiotherapy & sports injury clinic, aimed for those with longterm spinal conditions.

Mrs Patricia McCarroll BSc (Hons.), MCSP. HCPC. CSP. - Practice Manager at Advance Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic

Mrs Patricia McCarroll BSc (Hons.), MCSP. HCPC. CSP.

Job Title:
  Practice Manager
  Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Physiotherapy, Physical Therapy
Patricia graduated as a Chartered Physiotherapist from the University of Ulster in 1985. She built up a vast experience in all aspects of physiotherapy while working for 20 years in the National Health Service in London and various hospitals throughout N. Ireland. She specialised and qualified in spinal and peripheral manipulation in 1994 and her main interest is working with back and neck problems found in everyday and home life. Patricia has been in private practice and established this clinic in 1992. She completed post graduate training in acupuncture in 1995 and constantly updates her knowledge to maintain membership of association of physiotherapists in acupuncture.
Mrs Caroline McNeill BSc (Hons). HCPC. CSP. - Physiotherapist at Advance Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic

Mrs Caroline McNeill BSc (Hons). HCPC. CSP.

Job Title:
  Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy, Physiotherapy
Caroline graduated from the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff in 1997 with BSc Hons in Physiotherapy. Subsequently she achieved a Post Graduate Diploma in Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy. She was recently awarded membership of the MACP, a clinical interest group, whose members have all undertaken extensive post graduate study and reached a recognized standard of excellence in musculoskeletal health. Caroline has 12 years experience working within the NHS in Wales, progressing clinically and developing an interest in the rehabilitation of lower limb dysfunction involving pelvic, hip, knee and ankle injuries. Additionally she has expertise and interest in the treatment of complex spinal pain and the associated management of chronic pain. Since joining advance Physiotherapy in January 2010 she has continued to enthusiastically apply her expertise assessing and treating all aspects of musculoskeletal conditions. Caroline has worked extensively in the sporting arena with a Welsh RFC and was also involved with the Senior and Junior national GB Judo squads, accompanying them to national and international training camps and competitions. During her time in Wales she developed, participated in and instructed a conditioning circuit class for hospital employees. She has completed Pilates training with the APPI and joined the team which currently provides Pilates classes here at advance physiotherapy.
Ms Alicia Patterson BSc (Hons). HCPC. CSP. - Physiotherapist at Advance Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic

Ms Alicia Patterson BSc (Hons). HCPC. CSP.

Job Title:


Alicia graduated with an honours degree in biological science in 1988. Following this she pursued her passion for working with people and qualified as a Chartered Physiotherapist in 1992 (St Mary’s School Of Physiotherapy, London).

She successfully obtained an OCR certificate in counselling skills in 2004.

Alicia has 9 years experience working as a senior paediatric physiotherapist in Warren Children’s centre, Lisburn. During this time she provided comprehensive assessment and individualised treatment programmes for babies and children. She was part of a fabulous multi-disciplinary team (Child Assessment Clinic) whose aim is to provide assessment, advice, diagnosis and support to families of children with physical or learning disability. She is familiar with clinical referral pathways and protocols in education (e.g. statementing process).

She is trained in Safeguarding Children (Child Protection) and is a member of the Association of Chartered Paediatric Physiotherapists.

As a mother Alicia has insight into the parenting role and understands the pressures and needs of families and the importance of achieving a work life balance to prioritise these needs. Her ethos is to embrace the privileged role of parenting and she values and respects the fact that each parent wants what is best for their child to reach their full potential.

Miss Jill Jenkins - Reception Manager at Advance Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic

Miss Jill Jenkins

Job Title:
  Reception Manager

Jill is the friendly face to answer queries and book appointments.

Show Phone Number

142, Longstone Street, Lisburn, County Antrim, BT28 1TRUK

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