See all Orthopaedic Clinics in Chelmsford

Medbelle - Lawn Lane

Medbelle - Lawn Lane

0117 325 4508

Lawn Ln, Chelmsford, CM1 7GUUK

from 43 users
Filters cached at 2025/01/21 14:01:02

Opening hours

Monday08:30 - 20:00
Tuesday08:30 - 20:00
Wednesday08:30 - 20:00
Thursday08:30 - 20:00
Friday08:30 - 18:30
Saturday08:30 - 17:30
Prices from £95 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Excellent ServiceScore™ 8.3 from 43 votes ★ Customer Service Award 2023 ★ Visit our Orthopaedic Clinic - Lawn Ln, Chelmsford, CM1 7GU, UK.

Popular Treatments

Orthopaedist Consultation

Diagnostic package (Includes Consultation with an Orthopedic Surgeon) up to £545
Orthopaedist Consultation £95 - £245
Knee Replacement
Hip Replacement
Shoulder Tendons Surgery
Ankle Fusion
Hip Resurfacing
Shoulder Replacement
Carpal Tunnel Surgery
Bunion Surgery
See all treatments & prices

About Medbelle - Lawn Lane

Taking that step towards having cosmetic treatment is an important decision and we want to make it as simple as possible for you. At Medbelle in Lawn Lane, we offer the complete package.

Personal Patient Care Advisers 

We don’t want you to be passed around a million people. At Medbelle, you will have a Personal Care Adviser to answer your questions, arrange your appointments, book your treatments and be available whenever you need, ensuring you feel cared for and supported every step of the way.

Highest Quality Treatment 

All Medbelle partner surgeons are registered with BAAPS/BAPRAS, the two leading societies for plastic surgeons in the UK, whose membership requires at least 10-15 years experience specialising in cosmetics and regular updated surgical training. To put it simply, we work with the most experienced and skilled surgeons in Britain, so you’ll be in the best hands possible.

All inclusive 

We pride ourselves on offering the highest quality care for the most competitive price. Everything is provided and included in the cost, so there are no surprises down the line.

You’ll get a level of care and support from Medbelle that you simply will not find anywhere else.

Medbelle | Breast Uplift Pre-Consultation
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Patient reviews

See what others think about the clinic's customer service:

Simon, UK28.08.2022
They texted to ask when was best to call. I gave best times then didn’t here anything


  • BAPRAS - British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (UK) 
  • BAAPS - British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (UK) 
  • CQC - Care Quality Commission (UK) 
  • RCSEng - Royal College of Surgeons of England (UK) 

Travel services

Local travelLocal accommodationTranslation services



ACL Reconstruction


Ankle Fusion


Shoulder Arthroscopy


Hip Arthroscopy


Knee Arthroscopy


Bunion Surgery


Carpal Tunnel Surgery


Hip Replacement


Hip Resurfacing


Ankle Replacement


Knee Replacement


Meniscal Repair

Orthopaedist Consultation
up to £545

Diagnostic package (Includes Consultation with an Orthopedic Surgeon)

£95 - £245

Orthopaedist Consultation


Knee Osteotomy


Hip Osteotomy


Shoulder Tendons Surgery


Shoulder Replacement

Medbelle - Lawn Lane - Lawn Ln, Chelmsford, CM1 7GU,

Payment information

Payment plansFree initial consultationCredit cards


Private Patients Welcome
Ms Clare Reid - Patient Services Manager at Medbelle - Lawn Lane

Ms Clare Reid

Job Title:
  Patient Services Manager
  Nursing, Orthopaedics

Clare is a highly trained healthcare specialist. She remains at the forefront of healthcare knowledge whilst working as the Team Leader for the Patient Care Advisers. Having worked as a Senior Nursing Sister in Emergency Care for many years prior to joining the Medbelle team, Clare is equipped with an outstanding bedside manner and true insight into the medical field. She is motivated and empathetic, and her greatest joy is helping patients achieve their desired outcomes and supporting them every step of the way through their treatment journey.

Ms Sarah O'Connell - Patient Services Manager at Medbelle - Lawn Lane

Ms Sarah O'Connell

Job Title:
  Patient Services Manager
Sarah is Medbelle’s Head of Patient care. She has been with the company since the beginning and has personally tended to hundreds of Medbelle patients. She is a great team leader, having spent eight years building, training and managing care teams. She is extremely caring and determined to deliver a premium standard of patient care, as well as making sure every patient achieves their desired results. Her role is to ensure that the patient care team continuously develops and perfects the highest level of personal care for Medbelle patients.
Ms Laura- Paige Brear - Patient Services Manager at Medbelle - Lawn Lane

Ms Laura- Paige Brear

Job Title:
  Patient Services Manager

Laura is an experienced Senior Patient Care Adviser who has been with Medbelle since 2021; she's responsible for ensuring each and every patient has a seamless patient experience.

0117 325 4508

Lawn Ln, Chelmsford, CM1 7GUUK

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