D&C - Dilatation and Curettage W1 Postcode

All 3 D&C - Dilatation and Curettage Clinics in W1 postcode

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We have all the information you need about public and private obstetrics & gynaecology clinics that provide d&c - dilatation and curettage in W1 postcode. Compare all the obstetricians / gynaecologists and contact the d&c - dilatation and curettage clinic in W1 postcode that's right for you.

D&C - Dilatation and Curettage prices from £74 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 3 D&C - Dilatation and Curettage Clinics in W1 postcode with 18 verified patient reviews.

Very Good
from 88 users
GyneClinics - London (GyneCosmetics) - Mr Joe O-DanielsFeatured

GyneClinics - London (GyneCosmetics)

0203 322 9884 ext: 71680 10 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PF
GyneClinics is a London-based clinic specialising in cosmetic gynaecological surgery and pelvic floor restoration procedures. Referrals are accepted from GPs, or patients can complete a self-referral form. The clinic's team aims to restore patients' confidence and rejuvenate their sexual femininity by explaining options in strict confidence. Procedures performed include labioplasty, hymenoplasty, vaginoplasty, valvuloplasty, surgical correction of female urinary incontinence, and pelvic floor repair surgery. The clinic also offers interventions for painful sex, vaginismus, vulvodynia, and bladder pain conditions.
D&C - Dilatation and Curettage  
Obstetrician / Gynaecologist Consultation  
IUD - Intrauterine Device  
6 more treatments
from 43 users
Dr. Karoshi Gynaecologist & Obstetrician - Mahantesh Karoshi

Dr. Karoshi Gynaecologist & Obstetrician

108 Harley Street, London, W1G 7ET
Gynaecological Services Philosophy of care The Gynaecology service at 108 Medical Chambers is based on the philosophy of listening to women, offering comprehensive rigorous medical investigation and care. The focus of the clinic is Consultant led patient-centred care. Quality time is given to the patient to establish the rapport, diagnosis and offer treatment, with appointments lasting typically from half to 1 hour, and can be longer if necessary.  Consultation and advice can be sought for the following General Gynaecology consultation Women's Health screening Genital infection screen Contraceptive advice Fertility Recurrent miscarriage Preconceptional advice Hormone replacement therapy  Pelvic pain PMS Chronic vaginal discharge Heavy menstrual bleeding Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) Procedures available include Intrauterine system insertion and removal- (IUS) Copper coil insertion and removal Long acting reversible implant insertion and removal Outpatient hysteroscopy and biopsy Hysteroscopic polypectomy Outpatient endometrial ablation Word Catheter for Bartholin’s cyst  Vulval biopsy HPV vaccine Gynaecology Screening Services  I appreciate that everyone is leading busy lives these days so have developed a range of screening services that can be arranged as a package and are undertaken where
D&C - Dilatation and Curettage  
Obstetrician / Gynaecologist Consultation £150 - £200
IUD - Intrauterine Device  
6 more treatments
from 139 users
Mr Luca Sabatini - Mr Luca Sabatini

Mr Luca Sabatini

64 Harley Street, City of Westminster, London, W1G 7HB
4.7 from 18 verified reviews
He was by far the most empathetic, honest, transparent, knowledgeable and caring doctorPoppy, UK, 26 03 24

We would highly recommend Mr Sabatini. We’ve been on a very long fertility journey, with IVF in multiple places and he was by far the most empathetic, honest, transparent, knowledgeable and caring doctor we met along the way. We did a number of IVF/IUI rounds and also a laparoscopy with him and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend anyone to seek a consultation with him.

D&C - Dilatation and Curettage  
Obstetrician / Gynaecologist Consultation  
Mr Sabatini specialises in gynaecology and both male and femay infertility, providing excellent treatment and care to his patients. He is specialised in minimal invesive surgery for benign gynaecological conditions such and reproductive surgery. He is an expert in the managment and treatment of infertility through assisted conception and surgical sperm retrieval. He has expertise in the managment of endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), fibroids, ovarian cysts, pelvic adhesions, pelvic pain and dysfunctional bleeding, excess facial hair and acne, menopause and HRT, recurrent miscarriage and implantation failure and early pregnancy assessment.
IUD - Intrauterine Device  
7 more treatments

No further information on D&C - Dilatation and Curettage clinics in W1 postcode

Nearby clinics that provide D&C - Dilatation and Curettage:

from 128 users
The Holly Private Hospital - Plastic Surgery Clinic in the UK

The Holly Private Hospital

High Road, Buckhurst Hill, London, IG9 5HX
5.0 from 1 verified review
A range of medical and complementary healthcare services are provided at this private hospital located at Buckhurst Hill in Essex. The hospital forms part of the Aspen Healthcare Group that runs high quality hospitals and healthcare centres in England and Scotland. Facilities at the hospital include five operating theatres and an endoscopy suite, 55 beds, dentistry and oral surgery suite, physiotherapy treatment areas and gym, pathology laboratory and GP consulting rooms. Services offered include general medical examinations, GP care, breast cancer screening and treatments, infertility treatments, cosmetic surgery and weight loss surgery.
D&C - Dilatation and Curettage from £1670
Obstetrician / Gynaecologist Consultation  

D&C - Dilatation and Curettage clinics within 50km of W1 postcode:

from 76 users
Mr Salvesen: Gynaecology Care, Pinehill Hospital - Obstetrics & Gynaecology Clinic in the UK

Mr Salvesen: Gynaecology Care, Pinehill Hospital

Pinehill Hospital, Benslow Lane, Hitchin, SG49QZ
Mr Salvesen’s clinic is at Pinehill Hospital, Hitchin. Pinehill Hospital is one of Hertfordshire’s leading private hospitals with an excellent reputation for delivering high quality care. Situated in tranquil, wooded surroundings, Pinehill provides a peaceful environment to aid a speedy recovery. ?The hospital has excellent levels of cleanliness, with no hospital acquired cases of MRSA. With a customer satisfaction rating of 98%, it is in the top 2% of service providers in the UK. The facilities are regularly inspected and approved by the Care Quality Commission. The hospital has invested inthe latest advanced medical technology including three fully equipped theatreswith ultra clean air technology that are suitable for carrying out a wide rangeof surgical procedures. If you do require an operation the 41 ensuite single rooms ensure complete privacy throughout your stay. All rooms are fully air conditioned with direct dial telephone available in each room. All meals are served in your room and comprise of a superb selection of freshly prepared dishes. Free car parking and disabled access is also available. The following services are availableat Pinehill Hospital Out patient services Laboratory blood tests Pathology services X-Rays Ultrasound scans CT and MRI scans Physiotherapy In patient services Operating theatres Anaesthetic services
D&C - Dilatation and Curettage  
Obstetrician / Gynaecologist Consultation £145 - £220
Mr Salvesen is a Consultant Gynaecologist in Hertfordshire.  He trained at three prestigous London Teaching Hospitals:  St Thomas Hospital, Kings College Hospital and Queen Charlottes Hospital. He was appointed as a NHS Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at East and North Herts NHS Trust in 1998. He continues to work as a NHS Consultant at Lister Hospital, Stevenage, which is part of East and North Herts NHS Trust. His private medical practice is based at Pinehill Hospital, Hitchin, Hertfordshire. Pinehill Hospital is convenient for both Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire. He is dedicated to providing effective and efficient treatment options in a caring and professional manner. His vision is to provide you with a personalised evidence-based approach to treatment in an open, honest and friendly environment. He has extensive experience in the management of a wide range of gynaecological conditions including: • Menstrual disorders• Heavy periods• Painful periods• Polycystic ovaries• Ovarian cysts• Pelvic pain• Endometriosis• Fibroids• Fertility investigations and treatment• Preconception advice• Recurrent miscarriage• Contraceptive advice• Urinary incontinence• Menopausal problems
Tubal Ligation Reversal  
8 more treatments
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