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Gyn Zentrum Prof. Dr. med. Reinhold Knitza

Gyn Zentrum Prof. Dr. med. Reinhold Knitza

Show Phone Number

Bahnhofstraße 108, Gräfelfing, 82166Germany

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Opening hours

Monday08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday08:00 - 13:00
Wednesday08:00 - 12:00 | 15:00 - 20:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Obstetrics & Gynaecology Clinic - Bahnhofstraße 108, Gräfelfing, 82166, Germany. Staff: Dr Reinhold Knitza, Josef Wisser.

Popular Treatments

Gynecological examinations
Breast examination
Cancer Screening
Pap Smear


Ultrasound (abdominal, vaginal, breast, incl. Color Doppler sonography)
Gynecological ultrasound
Hysteroscopic Surgery
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About Gyn Zentrum Prof. Dr. med. Reinhold Knitza

For more information about Gyn Zentrum Prof. Dr. med. Reinhold Knitza in Munich please contact the clinic.
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Obstetrics / Gynaecology


Hysteroscopic Surgery


Gynecological examinations

General Practice


ECG - Electrocardiogram


Gynecological ultrasound


Ultrasound (abdominal, vaginal, breast, incl. Color Doppler sonography)


Cancer Screening


Breast examination


Pap Smear





Bladder dysfunction

Gyn Zentrum Prof. Dr. med. Reinhold Knitza - Bahnhofstraße 108, Gräfelfing, 82166,

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Private Patients Welcome
Dr Reinhold Knitza - Doctor at Gyn Zentrum Prof. Dr. med. Reinhold Knitza

Dr Reinhold Knitza

Job Title:
Was after training at the University Hospital Mainz in anesthesia and physiological chemistry and in Homburg / Saar as a specialist in obstetrics for 13 years senior physician at the Women's Hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich-Grosshadern. He was there for years operationally active and responsible for obstetrics. In 1997 he became chief physician at the Women's Hospital of the Klinikum Bad Hersfeld - academic teaching hospital of the University of Giessen. Since 2000 he has worked in private practice and as a resident physician at the Wolfart. He is apl. Professor at the LMU Munich. In addition to numerous publications and book chapters in their own textbooks, he is Editor of basic textbooks for obstetrics. His most recent book: "Manual Obstetrics" was published in October 2010 BORN-Verlag. He holds a number of international patents in the field of obstetric monitoring.
Josef Wisser - Doctor at Gyn Zentrum Prof. Dr. med. Reinhold Knitza

Josef Wisser

Job Title:
Is on clinical training at the University Hospital Homburg / Saar and the University Women's Clinic at the University Hospital Munich ?? Grosshadern, now working as a senior physician at the University Hospital in Zurich. Clinical and research focus is on prenatal sonographic diagnosis fine (DEGUM III) and ultrasonography of the pelvic floor for urinary and fecal incontinence. As part of a weekend office hours he is on our premises for differentiated sonographic examinations and individual questions on the subject of malformation exclusion available.
Show Phone Number

Bahnhofstraße 108, Gräfelfing, 82166Germany

  1. Europe
  2. Germany
  3. Obstetricians / Gynaecologists Munich