We are so pleased to have in our team of associates an Acupuncturist of great skill, insight, intuition and experiential knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Aromatherapy is a very powerful and yet relaxing form of complementary healthcare.
As certified and insured Aromatherapists practicing in Birmingham, we have many clients that enjoy this gentle and uplifting therapy.
Crystal Therapy
You are warmly invited to come along and learn how you can use crystals for health and general well being, how to choose crystals, how to dowse and so much more. A short relaxing visualisation with crystals will be conducted.
We are very lucky to have two experienced and highly skilled counsellors at the centre. They are very much in keeping with our philosophy of an Holistic Approach to Health and Wellbeing that we represent here at Birmingham Holistic Centre.
(E.F.T) is a wonderful tool that can easily be learned by anyone as part of that process to becoming emotionally free. It uses light tapping of a few acupressure points on your face, upper body and hands. It is something I use to help clients release themselves from negative thought patterns that may have held them in a negative state for a long period of time. It’s also useful for helping a person release emotional or mental blocks that may be preventing them from reaching their goals.
Energy Balancing
We all have one thing in common, our need to be happy.
Happy Hints will very quickly become like an indispensible friend! It has been designed for anyone looking to cultivate happiness amidst the challenges of modern life.
Holistic Therapist
Homeopathy was discovered by a doctor called, Samuel Hahnemann and has been used around the world for over 200 years.
One of the benefits of homeopathy is the fact that it is non-invasive, working with, not against the bodys natural functions.
It can be used by people suffering from both acute and chronic complaints and can also help to maintain general health.
Healing by trance state (or an altered state of awareness) is among the oldest phenomena known to man and is found, in one form or another, in virtually every culture throughout the world.
Intolerance Testing
People are often not aware that any health problems they are experiencing might be caused by an intolerance to a particular substance that they might be eating, drinking, using, or something that is in their living or working environment.
Medical Herbalist
The Nutri-Energetics Infoceuticals are based on 25 Years of Research into the human quantum electrodynamic (QED) body-field.
Nutri-Energetics Systems is the pioneering force behind a new system for evaluating and promoting holistic wellness using revolutionary new technology.
N.L.P Coaching
Nature has put in place all that we need to tap into to restore our wellbeing, there are no quick fixes.
Time, support and nurture will reveal miracles in your life if applied in the needed amounts on a daily basis.
To date, 9 Nobel prizes have been awarded to scientists as a direct result of research into the benefits of vitamins.
Nutritional Microscopy
France Quirin Do - France has been a Registered Osteopath for the last 17 years, he qualified from the London School of Osteopathy before that time he worked as a Registered Nurse having qulaified fromospital.
Pranayama Yoga
Stuart Morris - As an instructor and Complementary Therapist, I have become aware of the therapeutic powers of yoga. There are over 200 various forms of yoga and people tend to be drawn to which ever form suits their need at certain times in their life.
Psych K
Every now and again there comes along a system that can literally change the course of your life for the better. I believe that Psych- K™ is such a system.
Reflexology is both old and new. It is a unique method for activating the healing power of our own body. We can, using reflexology, tap into something with healing properties that nature has already put there.
An Ancient Miracle for our Modern Times.
The knowledge that an unseen energy flows through all living things and directly effects the quality of health has been part of the wisdom of many cultures since ancient times.
Reiki Share
A Reiki Share is a great opportunity to give and receive Reiki healing energy. Reiki Shares are held on the last Monday in every month.
Spiritual Healer
As the wording, Spiritual Healer suggests, healing comes from spirit to spirit. Of course Spiritual Healing is not a cure for all and we do not promise to cure, all we can do is our best
Michael Chapman has received increased recognition as a successful healer.
Sports Massage
Sports Massage is a type of massage that helps to obtain maximum performance and decreases the risk of injury through specific techniques and stretches.
Success Coaching
Success Coaching with Kevin Laye will probably for the first time in your life, hand you the keys that will unlock your true potential.
Touch For Health
Touch For Health is an intuitive and dynamic form of Complementary health care which I practice in Birmingham, UK.
It forms a part of the regular service I offer to my clients and it is also a part of my Corporate Complementary Care programmes.