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Dr. med. Eva-Maria Schneider

Dr. med. Eva-Maria Schneider

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Bahnhofstraße 26, Herrsching, 82211Germany

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Opening hours

Monday08:00 - 13:00 | 14:30 - 18:00
Tuesday08:00 - 13:00 | 14:30 - 18:30
Wednesday08:00 - 13:00
Thursday08:00 - 13:00 | 14:30 - 18:00
Friday08:00 - 13:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Holistic Health Clinic - Bahnhofstraße 26, Herrsching, 82211, Germany. Staff: Dr Eva-Maria Schneider, Ms Felicitas Ebner, Ms Bettina Weidinger.

Popular Treatments

Holistic Health Consultation
Colon cleansing
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About Dr. med. Eva-Maria Schneider

For more information about Dr. med. Eva-Maria Schneider in Herrsching please contact the clinic.
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Holistic Health


Colon cleansing


Holistic Health Consultation



Oxygen Therapies



Electro-acupuncture according to Voll (EAV)

Dr. med. Eva-Maria Schneider - Bahnhofstraße 26, Herrsching, 82211,

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Private Patients Welcome
Dr Eva-Maria Schneider -  at Dr. med. Eva-Maria Schneider

Dr Eva-Maria Schneider

Completed her studies in medicine at the Albertus-Magnus-University of Cologne. The conventional medical training as a specialist in general medicine she completed in various hospitals and clinics in Gummersbach, Murnau and Munich. In a naturopathic household grew up - her father ran as a medical practitioner, a private clinic for Natural Remedies - existed since early childhood an interest and understanding of the alternative way of thinking. It was early incorporated in the holistic treatment methods. During her time as a professional tennis player after the school time and during her studies she worked intensively with naturopathic healing methods. The focus of her doctoral thesis then was also the medicinal plant Ginkgo biloba. Since 1996, it deals with the Chinese healing method that could learn in a study trip to China. In addition to her medical training she attended courses nationwide in various clinics and centers for naturopathy and could obtain the additional designation "natural remedies". Training priorities in the following period are anti-aging medicine , healthcare and nutrition as well as the bioenergetic process electroacupuncture and bioresonance . It has managed to combine school medical and naturopathic knowledge to a meaningful holistic synthesis. Since taking over the practice in 2003, she practiced this juxtaposition and coexistence of conventional medicine and natural remedies. This offers a broad range of diagnostic and therapeutic options.
Ms Felicitas Ebner -  at Dr. med. Eva-Maria Schneider

Ms Felicitas Ebner

Trained nurse with many years experience in their profession. She has worked in various school and alternative medicine fields. In the application of the Colon cleansing and Bioresonanztherapie woman Ebner is always on the current state of knowledge due to numerous training courses.
Ms Bettina Weidinger -  at Dr. med. Eva-Maria Schneider

Ms Bettina Weidinger

Has been operating for over 20 years as a nurse in various fields. Her special interest in natural medicine led her in the summer of 2006 in our practice, where could be incorporated with great commitment.
Show Phone Number

Bahnhofstraße 26, Herrsching, 82211Germany

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  3. Holistic Practitioners Herrsching