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Fue Hair Clinics-Nottingham

Fue Hair Clinics-Nottingham

Show Phone Number

City Gate East, Nottingham, NG1 5FSUK

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Opening hours

Monday09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday09:00 - 21:00
Thursday09:00 - 21:00
Friday09:00 - 21:00
Saturday09:00 - 21:00
Sunday09:00 - 21:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Hair Loss Clinic - City Gate East, Nottingham, NG1 5FS, UK. Our Hair Clinics in London's Harley Street, Liverpool, Manch...

Popular Treatments

Hair Tattoo
Hair Transplant
Hair Loss Treatment
FUE - Follicular Unit Extraction
FUT - Follicular Unit Transplant
Facial Hair Transplant
Beard Transplant
Eyebrow Transplant
Treatment for Male Pattern Baldness
SMP - Scalp Micro Pigmentation
See all treatments & prices

About Fue Hair Clinics-Nottingham

Our Hair Clinics in London's Harley Street, Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham and Birmingham offer Hair Transplant methods that result in permanent natural looking hairlines. Until recently, hair transplant procedures have not always been too successful. Older techniques have either caused scarring or did not look very natural.

FUE is the least painful and least invasive method available in the market today with the fastest recovery times and natural looking results.

We take pride in practicing what we preach, since our Consultants and surgeons have had a Hair Transplant themselves.

When you visit us for your FREE consultation, you will meet someone who has been in your shoes and you can see our excellent work with your own eyes. 

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  • GMC - General Medical Council (UK) 
  • ISHRS - International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (International) 
  • ESHRS - European Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (International) 
  • IAAFA - International Academy of Advanced Facial Aesthetics (International) 
  • ECAMS - European College of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery (International) 


Parking - transport access - Oxford Circus or Bond street stations

Clinic services

Text message remindersOpen weekends

Travel services

International travelLocal travelLocal accommodationTranslation servicesPick up service from hotelPick up service from airport

Hair Loss Treatments


Facial Hair Transplant


Beard Transplant


Eyebrow Transplant


Hair Tattoo


Hair Loss Treatment


Treatment for Male Pattern Baldness


Hair Transplant


FUE - Follicular Unit Extraction


FUT - Follicular Unit Transplant


SMP - Scalp Micro Pigmentation

Fue Hair Clinics-Nottingham - City Gate East, Nottingham, NG1 5FS,

Payment information

DiscountsPayment plansFree initial consultationChequesCredit cards


Private Patients Welcome

Dr Richard Rogers

Job Title:
And the man behind most of those successful hair transplants is our Dr Rik Rogers, who since performing his first Hair Transplant in 1996, has played a pivotal role in changing the lives of more than 4,000 men with a hair transplant procedure. He has also changed his, after undergoing a Hair Transplant himself! Dr Rogers has become one of the media’s favourite ‘go to’ men to discuss Hair Transplants in television, radio and print interviews. He has been interviewed on major terrestrial channels including BBC1, BBC2 and Channel 4; he has appeared on Chris Evans’ Breakfast Show on Radio 2 - the most listened to radio programme in the country. He has also been heard on Simon Mayo’s Radio 2 programme, Radio 5 Live and local Worcester BBC Radio. His expert knowledge has seen him quoted in broadsheets and tabloid newspapers, including the Daily Mail, the Telegraph, the Sunday Times and the Mirror. He is a member of 3 very important organisations in the world of hair care. These include the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS); he is also a fellow of the Trichological Society, and a founding member and Vice President of the British Association of Hair Restoration Surgeons.
Dr Sotirios Foutsizoglou - Doctor at Fue Hair Clinics-Nottingham

Dr Sotirios Foutsizoglou

Job Title:
As a cosmetic surgeon, Dr Foutsizoglou knows how important it is to have a surgeon who cares, who understands and who will use his many years of training and expertise to potentially change your life. And he is no exception, since he also had a hair transplant done. Dr Foutsizoglou is an expert in cosmetic surgery and he is now finishing his PhD in Biostatistics at Harvard University. Besides the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), he is a member of the British College of Aesthetic Medicine (BCAM), the European College of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery (ECAMS), the Society of Cosmetic Physicians and Surgeons (SCPS) and the International Academy of Advanced Facial Aesthetics (IAAFA).
Dr Theodoros Vernikos - Doctor at Fue Hair Clinics-Nottingham

Dr Theodoros Vernikos

Job Title:
His wealth of training and experience speaks for itself, since he has performed over 3,000 FUE Hair Transplants over the last 12 years. His charming and engaging personality has resulted in his popularity with both our clients and his fellow professionals. He is also a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) and various other associations across Europe.
Show Phone Number

City Gate East, Nottingham, NG1 5FSUK