See all Hair Loss Clinics in Nürnberg



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Hauptmarkt 11, Nürnberg, 90403Germany

from 6 users
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Opening hours

Tuesday10:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 17:00
Wednesday10:00 - 14:00
Thursday10:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 17:00
Friday10:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 19:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Hair Loss Clinic - Hauptmarkt 11, Nürnberg, 90403, Germany. Staff: Miss Linde Barnikel.

Popular Treatments

Hair Loss Specialist Consultation

Hair Transplant

Hair Transplantation
Surgical Hair Transplantation FUE FUT FBD Method
Hair Loss Treatment
Laser Hair Therapy
See all treatments & prices

About Lincura

For more information about Lincura in Nürnberg please contact the clinic.
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Hair Loss Treatments


Hair Loss Specialist Consultation


Hair Loss Treatment

Hair Transplant

Hair Transplantation


Surgical Hair Transplantation FUE FUT FBD Method


Laser Hair Therapy

Medical Aesthetics


Dermal Fillers


Micro Needling

Lincura - Hauptmarkt 11, Nürnberg, 90403,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Miss Linde Barnikel - Manager at Lincura

Miss Linde Barnikel

Job Title:
The owner, Linde Barnikel, has been operating for over 30 years in the areas of hair supplement, Haarimplantantation, hair transplant and hair maintenance. Linde Barnikel has since 1979 probably implanted million individual hairs. She is a trained and has Trichologin include with their over 30 years of experience determined new methods of treatment, the targeted therapy approaches to hair and scalp problems, apply with your customers. The success is Linde Barnikel and your hair practice team right, because the Customer of LINCURA ® come not only from Nuremberg and the surrounding area, but from all over Germany and increasingly from abroad.
Show Phone Number

Hauptmarkt 11, Nürnberg, 90403Germany

  1. Europe
  2. Germany
  3. Hair Loss Specialists Nürnberg