Dr Alexander Segal Samoylovich
Job Title:
Doctor Biography:
Science Network Consultant Clinics "IVF Center" Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. In 2002 - awarded the title of professor (MAI). Author of 180 scientific publications, including an article in the BME, the monograph "Climacteric disorders of men" (1999). In 2001 - he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences (IAI), "Diagnosis and treatment of some forms of violations of generative and copulative function in men." In 1984 he was one of the founders of Russia's first course of specialization of doctors in andrology; now - it Senior Lecturer. He is a member of the editorial boards of the journals "Problems of reproduction", "Andrology and Genital Surgery" To suit the direction of scientific and practical activities: diseases of male genital organs, infertility, sexual dysfunction. Since 1978 - an assistant, and since 1991 - Associate Professor, Department of Urology MGMSUV 1975 - defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences: "Zonografiya kidney and upper urinary tract."