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Dr. Michael Marek

Dr. Michael Marek

Show Phone Number

Kirchengasse 14, Brunn am Gebirge, 2345Austria

from 4 users
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Opening hours

Please contact clinic for their opening hours
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Good ServiceScore™ 6.1 from 4 votes ★ Visit our Eye Clinic - Kirchengasse 14, Brunn am Gebirge, 2345, Austria.

Popular Treatments

Eye Specialist Consultation
Cataract Treatment
Tear Ducts

Low Vision Exam

Low Vision Exam
Test for color blindness - " Ishihara Test "
Test of central retinal function - " Amslertest "
See all treatments & prices

About Dr. Michael Marek

For more information about Dr. Michael Marek in Vienna please contact the clinic.
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Eye Care


Cataract Treatment


Tear Ducts


Eye Specialist Consultation

Low Vision Exam

Low Vision Exam


Test for color blindness - " Ishihara Test "


Test of central retinal function - " Amslertest "

Plastic Surgery

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery


Operation of the Hanging Upper Lid (Lidosis)


Blepharoplasty (Operation of the Lobbers)


Plastic Surgeon Consultation

Laser Eye Surgery



Dr. Michael Marek - Kirchengasse 14, Brunn am Gebirge, 2345,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Michael Marek - Ophthalmologist at Dr. Michael Marek

Dr Michael Marek

Job Title:
Specialist in ophthalmology and ophthalmology Plastic surgery. Surgeon stlv. Head of Surgical Day Clinic SMZ Ost - Donauspital. Career and focus areas: Medical studies at the University of Vienna Training as a general practitioner in the Hospital of the Merciful Brothers and in the SMZO Donauspital Training as an eye specialist in the Landesklinikum St. Pölten and the SMZO Donauspital Since 2004 he has worked as an eye surgeon at the Department of Ophthalmology at the SMZO Donauspital Deputy Head of the Surgical Day Clinic of the SMZO with more than 2,500 cataract operations Specialist for eyelid surgery in the SMZO with far more than 2000 procedures performed Eye surgeon in the private clinic Döbling Carry out all microsurgical and nasal surgical procedures of the ophthalmologist Member of the Vienna Eye Care Partners with the implementation of microsurgical procedures in Faridpur, Bangladesh.
Ms Tanja Kainrath - Administrator at Dr. Michael Marek

Ms Tanja Kainrath

Job Title:
Ordination assistant. Administration. patient care. Telephone. perimetry. Glasses survey.
Ms Christine Marek - Administrator at Dr. Michael Marek

Ms Christine Marek

Job Title:
Ordination assistant. Administration. patient care. Telephone . Good spirit of Ordination
Show Phone Number

Kirchengasse 14, Brunn am Gebirge, 2345Austria