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Aldeburgh Dental Practice

Aldeburgh Dental Practice

Show Phone Number

167 High Street, Aldeburgh, Suffolk, IP15 5ANUK

from 1 user
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Opening hours

Please contact clinic for their opening hours
Prices from £15 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Good ServiceScore™ 6.1 from 1 votes ★ Visit our Dentist - 167 High Street, Aldeburgh, Suffolk, IP15 5AN, UK.

Popular Treatments

Dentist Consultation
Dental Implants
Emax Veneer from £795
Tooth Whitening from £325


Full upper and lower denture (Simple case) from £1250

Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns from £375
Metal Based Ceramic Crown from £550
Porcelain Bonded-Non Precious Metal from £490
Dental Bridges
See all treatments & prices

About Aldeburgh Dental Practice

Paul Brown is the principle dentists at Aldeburgh & Framlingham Dental Practices, the aim of which is to provide dental advice and pain-free treatment for the whole family. Both clinics are equipped with modern equipment. Paul graduated from Guys Hospital (Unicity of London) in 1990 and he became the principle of the practice in Aldeburgh in 1997. The clinics offers routine dental treatments, cosmetic treatments, implants and has a team of dental hygienists.
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Air Abrasion


Cosmetic Dentist Consultation


Dental Bridges

from £795

Maryland Bridge

3 units
from £50

General Oral and Dental Examination

Dental Crowns
from £375

Dental Crowns

from £550

Metal Based Ceramic Crown

from £490

Porcelain Bonded-Non Precious Metal

from £475

Porcelain Bonded-Precious Metal

Per unit
from £550

Zirconium Crown

Per unit

Dental Implants


Mini Implants

Dental X-Ray

Dental X-Ray

from £45

OPG Full Mouth X-ray scan

from £275

CBCT 3D Full Jaw Pre Surgery Digital Scan

from £15

Highest Resolution Lowest Dose Digital X rays


Dentist Consultation



from £1250

Full upper and lower denture (Simple case)

from £1875

Full upper and lower denture (complex case)


Denturist Consultation


Endodontist Consultation





White Filling
from £75


from £100


from £150


from £50

Hygienist Session

Routine, Full mouth scale removal and polish

Implant Dentist Consultation


Mouth Guard


Paediatric Dentist Consultation


Periodontist Consultation

from £100

Periodontitis Treatment

Extensive Periodontal disease treatment (1 hour appointment)

Restorative Dentist Consultation


Root canals

from £600

Complex Root Canal

from £325

Incisor Root Canal

from £475

Molar Root Canal

from £400

Premolar Root Canal

from £50

Teeth Cleaning

Routine, Full mouth scale removal and polish
from £325

Tooth Whitening


TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint Treatment

from £795

Emax Veneer

Per unit

Ear Nose and Throat


Sleep Apnea

Anti snore appliances.
Aldeburgh Dental Practice - 167 High Street, Aldeburgh, Suffolk, IP15 5AN,

Payment information


Private Patients WelcomeDental Plans AcceptedEuropean Health Insurance CardNHSNew Charge Exempt Adults NHSChildren age 0 to 18 NHSEmergency NHSCIGNA HealthcareCIGNA HealthcareDenplanDenplan

Dr Paul Brown

Job Title:
BDS (Univ.London) LDS.RCS.Eng. Practice Principal Dental Surgeon GDC 65549

Mrs Cheryl Brown

Qualified Registered Dental Hygienist GDC 5343

Dr Ciara Howard

Job Title:
Ciara trained at Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry in Devon where she also spent a year undergoing NHS vocational training. She is interested in all aspects of general dental practice and has a particular interest in paediatric dentistry.
Show Phone Number

167 High Street, Aldeburgh, Suffolk, IP15 5ANUK

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