very badly treated. started treatment for veneers on my front teeth, in March this year. part of the gum was removed in order to lengthen the crown. I had a checkup around June, then further appointments were made for Septemeber and October. Unfortunately for me, I folded the appointment paper in two in order to fit it in my purse, knowing that one appointment was 27th September this year.
On 6th September, I cleared my purse out, and discovered that I had an appointment for 6th September at 11.15 am. It was now around 11.45. I rang the surgery to apologise, only to be told that all the appointments had been cancelled, despite the fact that I could have been seen on 20th September, for a review before the rest of the treatment took place. No reason has been given, and the receptionist said she was appalled and would be taking the matter up with the practice manager. I am left with a job half done.