Brilliant! – I work offshore in the Southern North Sea (Rough) and had a wobbly infected wisdom tooth giving me grief. Rang Rejuvadent in the morning (As they are close to Humberside Airport) and got an appointment for 3.40pm that afternoon. This allowed me to get a scheduled chopper in to Humberside in the afternoon, taxi to Grimsby and another scheduled one back out the following morning - Saved hassle with asking client for a compassionate flight and could have done it within a day if I'd arranged it sooner. I wanted the tooth out and having looked at it, Craig agreed. A couple of injections for anaesthetic, a 10 minute wait and 10 seconds with the right tool and it was out. Prescribed antibiotics for the infection. All done in half an hour with no drama. Best £60 I ever spent and would recommend Rejuvadent for anyone in a similar position. Mick Wood, Derbyshire.