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Meadows Dental Care

Meadows Dental Care

Show Phone Number

74 Glinton Road, Helpston, Peterborough, PE6 7DQUK

from 12 users
Filters cached at 2024/08/27 16:26:59

Opening hours

Monday09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday09:00 - 17:30
Thursday09:00 - 17:30
Friday09:00 - 17:30
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Good ServiceScore™ 6.6 from 12 votes ★ 1 verified patient review. Visit our Dentist - 74 Glinton Road, Helpston, Peterborough, PE6 7DQ, UK.

Popular Treatments

Smile Makeover
Dental Implants
Teeth Whitening
Dental Crowns
Dental Bridges
CEREC-Same Day Crowns
Inman Aligner
Cosmetic Dentist Consultation
See all treatments & prices

About Meadows Dental Care

For more information about Meadows Dental Care in Helpston please contact the clinic.
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Patient reviews

5.0 from 1 verified review
( Review verified by phone and email)

In the long term this was the best option

5 50 Dental Implants

I went to Meadows back in 2015 to have an implant fitted to replace my front tooth that I had lost in a sporting accident. I previously had been to an NHS clinic who told me they could do an implant, but put me on a very long waiting list.

The treatment I received was first class and though of course an implant is a costly procedure, I know that in the long term this was the best option. Plus, they allowed me to spread the cost over a full year, meaning I was paying as and when I could, with zero interest!

See what others think about the clinic's customer service:

Alwyn, UK20.06.2020
Very quick to acknowledge my enquiry





CEREC-Same Day Crowns


Cosmetic Dentist Consultation


Dental Bridges


Dental Crowns


Dental Implants


Smile Makeover




Inman Aligner


OrthodonticsOrthodontics-Clear Braces


Teeth Whitening

Meadows Dental Care - 74 Glinton Road, Helpston, Peterborough, PE6 7DQ,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Jerry Watson - Dental Nurse at Meadows Dental Care

Dr Jerry Watson

Job Title:
  Dental Nurse
Dr Stuart Bowen-Davies - Dentist at Meadows Dental Care

Dr Stuart Bowen-Davies

Job Title:
Dr Pieter Claassen - Dentist at Meadows Dental Care

Dr Pieter Claassen

Job Title:

Israr razaq

Dr Stuart Bowen-Davies - Dentist at Meadows Dental Care

Dr Stuart Bowen-Davies

Job Title:
Stuart has been working in private practice for the last 29 years work in the UK, South Africa and the West Indies and he has particular interests in orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry. He regularly attends courses in the both the UK and internationally. Stuart is a keen cyclist competing in road racing, mountain biking and track racing. He is also a keen sailor and takes part in international yacht races.
Dr Pieter Claassen - Dentist at Meadows Dental Care

Dr Pieter Claassen

Job Title:
Pieter is the practice owner and qualified in 1999 from the Pretoria University. He moved to England and began working in Tunbridge Wells. In 2004, Dr. Claassen joined the Hanover House Dental Clinic. He has a special interest in dental implants and cosmetic dentistry. Smile makeovers are a particular favourite as he finds it very rewarding to be able to dramatically improve a patient’s appearance.
Dr Jerry Watson - Dentist at Meadows Dental Care

Dr Jerry Watson

Job Title:
Dr. Jerry Watson graduated from Guys Dental Hospital in 1980 with Honours. He co-founded a multi-award winning Peterborough dental practice, allowing him to express his passion for training and people management. He has trained practice teams in the various aspects of dentistry and was director and trainer at the renowned Partners in Practice from 1992 to 1996. In his final year with this company, he became the first dentist to achieve advisor accreditation to Investors in People. Jerry is now providing implants only every other Tuesday and every Wednesday.
Show Phone Number

74 Glinton Road, Helpston, Peterborough, PE6 7DQUK

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