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Tandzorg Group - Heiloo

Tandzorg Group - Heiloo

Show Phone Number

De Strandwal 22-G, Heiloo, 1851 VMNetherlands

from 1 user
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Opening hours

Please contact clinic for their opening hours
Prices from € 7 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Dentist - De Strandwal 22-G, Heiloo, 1851 VM, Netherlands. Staff: Laia Llorens Esclusa, Macarena Gonzalez, Alie Zomerdijk.

Popular Treatments

Problem-Oriented Consultatio from € 21

Dental Implants

Overhead Implants from € 202
Overhead Pre-Implant Surgery from € 114
Oral Care at Home from € 17


Planned Grinding of the Existing Dentures from € 28
Partial Denture Resin 1-4 Elements from € 84
Partial Denture Resin 5-13 Elements from € 168

Dental Crowns

Surface Plastic Material from € 34
Dental Crowns from € 247
Endo Crown - Indirectly Fabricated from € 67
See all treatments & prices

About Tandzorg Group - Heiloo

For more information about Tandzorg Group - Heiloo in Heiloo please contact the clinic.
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  • NMT - Nederlandse Maatschappij tot bevordering der Tandheelkunde (Netherlands) 
  • ZKN - Zelfstandige Klinieken Nederland (Netherlands) 



Dental Bridges

from € 13

Dental Cleaning (5 mins)

Dental Crowns
from € 34

Surface Plastic Material

from € 247

Dental Crowns

from € 67

Endo Crown - Indirectly Fabricated

from € 56

Stainless Steel Crown

Dental Implants
from € 202

Overhead Implants

from € 114

Overhead Pre-Implant Surgery

from € 16

Small Xray

from € 21

Problem-Oriented Consultatio

from € 28

Planned Grinding of the Existing Dentures

from € 84

Partial Denture Resin 1-4 Elements

from € 168

Partial Denture Resin 5-13 Elements

from € 364

Full Dentures

from € 42


from € 17

Fillings - Indirect Pulp Roofing

from € 11

Fillings - Parapulpaire Pin

from € 20

Fillings - Root Canal Stift

from € 22

Surface Filling

from € 36

Two Flood Filling

from € 48

Three Flood Filling

Fluoride Therapy
from € 28

Fluoride Treatment Method I

from € 22

Fluoride Treatment Method II

General Anesthesia for dental treatments
from € 45

Preparation for Treatment Under General Anesthesia

from € 7

Surface Anesthesia

from € 14

Guiding and or Infiltration Anesthesia

from € 28

Introduction Sedation

from € 28

Administering Sedation

from € 36

Overheads Sedation


Gum Surgery

Gingival Flap Surgery
from € 182

Flap Operation Between Two Elements

from € 280

Flap Surgery Per Sextant

Inlay or Onlay

Inlay or Onlay

from € 101


from € 157

Two Flat Inlay

from € 224

Three surface Inlay

Composite Resin Inlay or Onlay
from € 67

Eenvlaks Composite Inlay

from € 129

Biplane Composite Inlay

from € 168

Three-Side Composite Inlay

from € 224

Mandibular Sagittal Split Osteotomy

from € 168

Maxillary Le Fort Osteotomy

from € 25

Mouth Guard

from € 21

Root Canal Consultation

from € 202

Molar Root Canal

from € 157

Premolar Root Canal

from € 17

Oral Care at Home

Tandzorg Group - Heiloo - De Strandwal 22-G, Heiloo, 1851 VM,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Laia Llorens Esclusa -  at Tandzorg Group - Heiloo

Laia Llorens Esclusa

Macarena Gonzalez -  at Tandzorg Group - Heiloo

Macarena Gonzalez

Alie Zomerdijk -  at Tandzorg Group - Heiloo

Alie Zomerdijk

Show Phone Number

De Strandwal 22-G, Heiloo, 1851 VMNetherlands

  1. Europe
  2. Netherlands
  3. Dentists Heiloo