Glass Ionomer Filling Perak

All 3 Glass Ionomer Filling Clinics in Perak

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We have all the information you need about public and private dental clinics that provide glass ionomer filling in Perak. Compare all the dentists and contact the glass ionomer filling clinic in Perak that's right for you.

Glass Ionomer Filling prices from rm50 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 3 Glass Ionomer Filling Clinics in Perak with 8 verified patient reviews.

Very Good
from 135 users
Klinik Pergigian Dr. Karthi - Braces before & afterFeatured

Klinik Pergigian Dr. Karthi

03-9212 1166 ext: 75793 234A Jalan Bercham, Taman Ria, Ipoh, 31400
4.8 from 8 verified reviews
The professional, courteous, and friendly staff made me feel like familyReuben, Malaysia, 03 05 23

The best dental care I have ever experienced! The professional, courteous, and friendly staff made me feel like family… Would highly recommend to anyone!!! Excellent doctor!!! Awesome!!

Glass Ionomer Cement Filling from RM50
Fillings RM70 - RM150
Example of the anterior restoration
Amalgam Filling RM70 - RM150
from 42 users
Klinik Pergigian Thana - Dental Clinic in Malaysia

Klinik Pergigian Thana

262, Jalan Bercham, Ipoh, 31400
The clinic is registered under the Malaysian Dental Council and the services and treatments offered are of the highest quality. The prices are reasonable and affordable. The clinic environment is very comfortable and does not induce any sort of phobia in patients. 
Glass Ionomer Filling  
Fillings from RM70
White Filling  
3 more treatments
from 4 users
Q and M Dental Surgery Bestari - Dental Clinic in Malaysia

Q and M Dental Surgery Bestari

No. 85-01 Jalan Bestari 1/5 Taman Nusa Bestari, Nusajaya, 79150
At Q & M  Dental Surgery, we know our customers are our most important asset. Our Mission is to help you to achieve great dental health! Our clinic provides the best facilities like LED Whitening Machine, Digital Oral Camera. We specialized in oral implant, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics and etc.
Glass Ionomer Cement Filling  
Fillings RM100 - RM400
White Filling from RM100
3 more treatments
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