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Dr. Robert Stillmann - Privatordination 1010

Dr. Robert Stillmann - Privatordination 1010

Show Phone Number

Naglergasse 11/1, Wien, 1010Austria

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Opening hours

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Enquire for a fast quote ★ Good ServiceScore™ 6.0 from 0 votes ★ Visit our Dentist - Naglergasse 11/1, Wien, 1010, Austria.

Popular Treatments

Dentist Consultation
Dental Implants
Teeth Whitening - Bleaching
Dental Crowns
Dental Bridges
Professional oral hygiene
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About Dr. Robert Stillmann - Privatordination 1010

For more information about Dr. Robert Stillmann - Privatordination 1010 in Vienna please contact the clinic.
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Invisible Braces


Dental Bridges


Dental Crowns


Zirconia Crown


Dental CT


Dental Implants


Fissure Seal


Dentist Consultation




Fixed Partial Dentures


Removable Partial Dentures




General anesthesia for dental treatments


Ceramic Inlays




Orthodontist Consultation


Periodontitis Treatment


Professional oral hygiene


Teeth Whitening - Bleaching

Dr. Robert Stillmann - Privatordination 1010 - Naglergasse 11/1, Wien, 1010,

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Private Patients Welcome
Dr Robert Stillmann - Dentist at Dr. Robert Stillmann - Privatordination 1010

Dr Robert Stillmann

Job Title:
Implantology and aesthetic dentistry. Professional career: Since 1991 working in the dental industry. 1995: Successful completion of dental training in Salzburg. Before and beside the course Years of work as a dental technician in Salzburg and Vienna with a focus on fully ceramic as well as removable dentures. 2005: Dental state examination. 2005: doctorate of the dentistry in Vienna. 2005: Completion of the general three-year diploma training program of the Austrian Chamber of Dentists. Several years as a dentist in the dental health center of the Wiener Gebietskrankenkassa. Specialization in implantology, aesthetic dentistry, metal-free restoration, fixed and removable dentures. 2007: Graduation of the three-year diploma program of the Austrian Chamber of Dentists. 2009: Establishment own practice in Vienna with the focus on implantology and aesthetic dentistry. 2011: Foundation of second practice with a focus on cum-augmented implantology. Years of collaboration with the specialist for anesthesia in anesthesia treatments for children, anxiety patients and patients with physical or mental handicaps. Regular attendance at congresses and intensive professional training at home and abroad in all fields of dentistry.
Dr Elena Zymbal - Orthodontist at Dr. Robert Stillmann - Privatordination 1010

Dr Elena Zymbal

Job Title:
Dentist, orthodontist. Specializing in fixed and detachable braces for children and adults Since 1991 in the medical field. Zahnmedizinstudium in Vienna postgraduate education for orthodontic orthodontics 3-year continuing education diploma for orthodontic orthodontics of the Austrian Chamber of Dentists Continuous further secondary courses in orthodontics at international lecturers.
Dr Carmen Bluml - Dentist at Dr. Robert Stillmann - Privatordination 1010

Dr Carmen Bluml

Job Title:
General and pediatric dentistry
Show Phone Number

Naglergasse 11/1, Wien, 1010Austria