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GDR. Klaus Gadner

GDR. Klaus Gadner

Show Phone Number

Ludwig-Penz-Straße 2, Schwaz, Tyrol, 6130Austria

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Opening hours

Monday08:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 17:30
Tuesday08:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 17:30
Wednesday08:00 - 12:00
Thursday08:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 17:30
Friday08:00 - 12:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Dentist - Ludwig-Penz-Straße 2, Schwaz, Tyrol, 6130, Austria. Staff: Dr Klaus Gadner.

Popular Treatments

Dentist Consultation

"Latest" therapy methods
Dentist Consultation

Dental Implants

Dental Implants
Dental Implants - Navigated implantation
Root Tip Resection
Wisdom Tooth Removal
Bone Graft
Dental X-Ray
Digital Dental X-Ray
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About GDR. Klaus Gadner

For more information about GDR. Klaus Gadner in Innsbruck please contact the clinic.
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Bone Graft


Dental CT

Dental Implants

Dental Implants


Dental Implants - Navigated implantation


Dental X-Ray


Digital Dental X-Ray

Dentist Consultation

Dentist Consultation


"Latest" therapy methods




Wisdom Tooth Removal


Implant Dentist Consultation


Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Consultation


Root Tip Resection

GDR. Klaus Gadner - Ludwig-Penz-Straße 2, Schwaz, Tyrol, 6130,

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Private Patients Welcome
Dr Klaus Gadner - Oral Surgeon at GDR. Klaus Gadner

Dr Klaus Gadner

Job Title:
  Oral Surgeon
1990 Matura at the Realgymnasium "R. V. Klebelsberg "in Bolzano (I). 1990 to 1997 Study of Human Medicine at the University of Innsbruck with international semesters at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany) and at the University of Cape Town (Cape Town, South Africa). 27.05.1997 Appointment as Doctor of the entire medical degree (Dr. med. Univ.) By the University of Innsbruck; Doctoral thesis: The incidence of the Frozen shoulder - a retrospective analysis. July 1997 - June 1998 Turnusarzttätigkeit in the KH of the Merciful Sisters in Ried im Innkreis. July 1998 - October 2000 Training as a specialist for accident surgery at the University Clinic for Trauma Surgery and Sports Traumatology in Innsbruck. August 1999 Hospitality at the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology in Meran Hospital (I). October 2000 - May 2004 Studied dentistry at the University of Erlangen / Nuremberg (Germany). 04.05.2004 Approbation as a dentist by the government Unterfranken in Würzburg (D)., July 2004 - July 2007 Training as a specialist for oral, maxillofacial and facial surgery at the university clinic for dental, oral and maxillofacial surgery in Innsbruck. 14.07.2007 Appointment as a specialist for oral, maxillofacial and facial surgery by the Austrian Medical Association. 30.07.2007 Appointment as Doctor of Dentistry (Dr. med. Dent.) By the University of Erlangen / Nuremberg (D); PhD thesis: The clinical use of periosteal osteoblast-like cells for "bone tissue engineering" using the example of the sinus lift. ,11.01.2013 Examining and appointing as a publicly certified and court-certified expert by the Innsbruck Regional Court.
Show Phone Number

Ludwig-Penz-Straße 2, Schwaz, Tyrol, 6130Austria