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Dr.Dr. Ennemoser

Dr.Dr. Ennemoser

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Innrain 143, Innsbruck, 6020Austria

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Opening hours

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Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Dentist - Innrain 143, Innsbruck, 6020, Austria. Staff: Dr Thomas Ennemoser, Dr Stefan Gerhard, Dr Klaus Laimer.

Popular Treatments

Dentist Consultation
Dental Implants
RCT - Root Canal Therapy
Sinus Lift
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Consultation
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About Dr.Dr. Ennemoser

For more information about Dr.Dr. Ennemoser in Innsbruck please contact the clinic.
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Dental Implants


Dentist Consultation




Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Consultation


RCT - Root Canal Therapy


Sinus Lift

Dr.Dr. Ennemoser - Innrain 143, Innsbruck, 6020,

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Private Patients Welcome
Dr Thomas Ennemoser - Dentist at Dr.Dr. Ennemoser

Dr Thomas Ennemoser

Job Title:
Born in Zams . Study of human medicine at the Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck Specialist training for dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery at the Innsbruck University Hospital Specialist training for oral, maxillofacial and facial surgery at the Wels clinic and at the university clinic for oral, maxillofacial and facial surgery Innsbruck Oberarzt at the University Clinic for Oral, Maxillofacial Surgery Innsbruck until 2010.
Dr Stefan Gerhard - Dentist at Dr.Dr. Ennemoser

Dr Stefan Gerhard

Job Title:
Born in Munich Education: Studied human medicine, dentistry and physics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich Specialist physician training for oral, maxillofacial and facial surgery at the university clinics of Regensburg, Ulm and Innsbruck Currently, senior physician at the Department of oral and maxillofacial surgery Innsbruck additional training and priorities: Diploma for Alpine and Altitude Medicine, Court recognized and certified expert in the subject oral and maxillofacial surgery, Laser Safety Officer, trauma surgery of the face, implantology, Jaw bone structure, jawbone surgery
Dr Klaus Laimer - Dentist at Dr.Dr. Ennemoser

Dr Klaus Laimer

Job Title:
Born in Meran Education: Study of human medicine and dental medicine at the Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck Specialist training for oral, maxillofacial and facial surgery at the Innsbruck University Hospital 2011 Presentation of the Hans Pichler Prize from the Austrian Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Habilitation at the Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck in oral, maxillofacial and facial surgery Oberarzt at the University Clinic for Oral, Maxillofacial Surgery Innsbruck until 2012 Additional training and focus: helmet therapy, radiation protection, tumormarker, implantology, traumatology, jaw bone reconstruction
Show Phone Number

Innrain 143, Innsbruck, 6020Austria