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MB Orthodontics - Modbury North

MB Orthodontics - Modbury North

Show Phone Number

Suite 6, 245 Milne Road, Modbury North, SA, 5092Australia

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Opening hours

Monday08:00 - 17:30
Tuesday08:00 - 17:30
Wednesday09:30 - 17:30
Thursday09:30 - 17:30
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Dentist - Suite 6, 245 Milne Road, Modbury North, SA, 5092, Australia. Staff: Dr Melinda Barva, Dr Trudy Stewart.

Popular Treatments

Metal Braces

Orthodontic Retainer

Invisible Aligners
Expanding Plates
Mini Braces
Ceramic Braces
Lingual Braces
Orthodontist Consultation
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About MB Orthodontics - Modbury North

For more information about MB Orthodontics - Modbury North in Tea Tree Gully please contact the clinic.
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  • ADA - Australian Dental Association (Australia) 





Ceramic Braces


Mini Braces


Lingual Braces


Metal Braces

Orthodontic Retainer



Invisible Aligners


Expanding Plates


Orthodontist Consultation

MB Orthodontics - Modbury North - Suite 6, 245 Milne Road, Modbury North, SA, 5092,

Payment information


Private Patients WelcomePublic Health Insurance
Dr Melinda Barva - Orthodontist at MB Orthodontics - Modbury North

Dr Melinda Barva

Job Title:
Dr Melinda Barva established MB Orthodontics and has for almost 20 years been providing her patients with exceptional, comprehensive orthodontic care. She graduated equal first in her Bachelor of Dental Surgery Degree from Sydney University in 1988. She subsequently obtained her Orthodontic Master's Degree from Adelaide University. Prior to commencing her orthodontic studies she worked as a dental officer at Westmead Hospital in NSW in the paediatric, periodontic and special needs departments. She also worked as a locum dentist in the Riverland region of SA. Melinda has an interest in continuing education and taught post-graduates in the Orthodontic Master's programme for five years. She has presented case reports at local orthodontic meetings and also at an international conference. She is currently responsible for co-ordinating the Auxiliary Programme for the Australian Orthodontic Congress to be held in Adelaide in 2014. She is a member of the Australian Orthodontic Society and the Australian Dental Association.
Dr Trudy Stewart - Orthodontist at MB Orthodontics - Modbury North

Dr Trudy Stewart

Job Title:
Born in rural Queensland, Trudy graduated from the University of Queensland in 1996 as an Occupational Therapist. She then undertook a BDS dental degree graduating in 2004 at the University of Adelaide. Trudy worked for 2 years as the Service Dental Registrar at the Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, Perth, Western Australia, before moving to Auckland, New Zealand, where she worked for 3 years as a Senior Dental Officer in Paediatrics at Starship Children’s Hospital, Greenlane Clinical Centre and Middlemore Hospital. Trudy returned to Adelaide to study her Doctorate in Clinical Dentistry (Orthodontics) in 2009. Trudy regularly attends professional conferences and recently presented her research at the Australian Society of Orthodontic Foundation Meeting in Canberra. Trudy joined MB Orthodontics in January 2013.
Show Phone Number

Suite 6, 245 Milne Road, Modbury North, SA, 5092Australia