Pro Med Global promotes the services of 4 of the top Professors in General and Cosmetic Surgery in Turkey.
International Söke Hospital, where all the procedures will take place, is a new state of the art hospital with the capacity of over 100 private beds, 21 out patient clinics, 24/7 Emergency Service.
International Söke Hospital also has;
Contact Vince Merrett, Director of Pro Med Global, for further details.
Contact Vince Merrett, Director of Pro Med Global, for further details
Contact us for further details
Your initial consultation fee with one of the Top 3 professors in Laparoscopic, General and Cosmetic Surgery in Turkey. Although our professors speak good English all your consultaions will be translated for you by our co Director Kay Merrett who is medically trained from the UK and speaks fluent English and Turkish.
The cost of your surgery will be negotiated by Vince Merrett, Director of Pro Med Global or Kay Merrett, Co Director.
The quote from the surgeons will be benchmarked against other similar hospitals in Turkey, India, Thailand and the US.
The price of your surgery will be a one off payment. No hidden fees ar extra charges will be implemented.
All consultations will be with one of the top professors in Turkey
Dr Hamit Egriboz is the Chief Surgeon at Internaional Söke Hospital
Professor Dr Sükrü Boylu practices in General Surgery and specialises in Breast Surgery.
Professor Dr Ali Dogan Bozdag practices in general surgery and specialises in Laparoscopic Surgery.
Professor Dr Ahmet Sehan practices and specialises in Cosmetic - Plastic Surgery
Contact us for further datails
Dr Hamit Egriboz was born in Söke Turkey in 1957.
He graduated from the Ageon Faculty of Medicine University with honours.
In 1980 Dr Egriboz worked in Sirte as an examiner at a health centre.
He completed his residency in General Surgery at the Haseki Hospital in Istanbul.
After completing his military service he went onto Van State Hospital and worked as Chief of Staff and general Surgeon.
From 1994 to 2008 Dr Egriboz worked at the Söke State hospital where he continued his work as General Surgeon. This is where he became aquainted with Laparoscopic Surgery. Since then he has taken Laparoscopic Surgery to a new level. At present he performs the most advanced techniques in Laparoscopic Surgery and is regarded by his pears as one of the top Laparoscopic Surgeons in Turkey.
In 2008 he opened his own private clinic in Söke where he continued to practice and develop his surgical skills.
In 2012 after two years of struggle he accomplished his life long dream and built and opened the private International Söke Hospital. He is at present the owner, with his business partner, Director and Chief Surgeon at the hospital.
Dr Egriboz is married with two children.
Professor Dr Sükrü Boylu was born in Isparta in 1957
In 1980 he graduated from the Agean Faculty of Medicine University then completed his mitlitary service in Kayseri.
Professor Boylu completed his training at the Faculty of Medicine at Dicle University and then worked in Afyon.
In 1997 he became associate professor and head of department at the Dicle Univesity.
Professor Boylu complete eight years as an Inspection Commission Chairman.
In 2003 he worked in Aydin in the estabishment of The Association of Breast Diseases and also served as their president. In 2004 he became a Professor and joined the Association staff.
Professor Boylu is member of the Turkish Medical Board and completed two terms as their president.
Professor Boylu is presently President of the Association of Breast Diseases.
He is ongoing coordinator for Genermenic Reproductive Health and is Vice President of the Faculty of Medicine Ethics Committee.
Professor Boylu is a board member of the Faculty of Medicine and has memberships with;
Professor Boylu has given many lectures and spoken at various conventions. He has 18 published articles and in International Journals and 57 in Domestic Journals. He also has written 3 books which have been translated into English and many other languages.