See all Plastic Surgery Clinics in Aarau

Skinmed AG

Skinmed AG

Show Phone Number

Herzogstrasse 10, Aarau, 5000Switzerland

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Opening hours

Monday08:00 - 12:00 | 13:00 - 18:00
Tuesday08:00 - 12:00 | 13:00 - 17:30
Wednesday08:00 - 12:00 | 13:00 - 18:00
Thursday08:00 - 12:00 | 13:00 - 17:00
Friday08:00 - 12:00 | 13:00 - 17:00
Prices from CHF 250 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Plastic Surgery Clinic - Herzogstrasse 10, Aarau, 5000, Switzerland. Staff: Sascha Dunst, Dr Dietmar Löffler, Dr Felix Bertram.

Popular Treatments

Plastic Surgeon Consultation

Breast Implants

Breast enlargement from CHF 10500
Breast enlargement with firming from CHF 12500
Breast enlargement with own fat from CHF 8500
Lower Bodylifting from CHF 14000
Nose Correction from CHF 8000
Tummy tucking from CHF 12500
Male fat chest (gynecomastia) from CHF 6000

Eyelid Surgery

Upper eyelid correction from CHF 3200
Lower eyelid correction from CHF 5500
See all treatments & prices

About Skinmed AG

For more information about Skinmed AG in Aarau please contact the clinic.
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  • DGPRÄC - Deutsche Gesellschaft der Plastischen, Rekonstruktiven und Ästhetischen Chirurgen (Germany) 
  • EAFPS - European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (International) 
  • ISAPS - International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (International) 

Plastic Surgery

from CHF 7000

Upper arm tightening

Breast Implants
from CHF 10500

Breast enlargement

from CHF 12500

Breast enlargement with firming

from CHF 8500

Breast enlargement with own fat

from CHF 12000

Breast Reduction

Brow Lift
from CHF 8000

Forehead Lift

from CHF 8000

Brow Lift

from CHF 5000

Chin enlargement with implant

Eyelid Surgery
from CHF 3500

Eyelid surgery

from CHF 3200

Upper eyelid correction

from CHF 5500

Lower eyelid correction

from CHF 8700

Upper and lower eyelid correction

from CHF 15000

Face- necklifting

from CHF 20000

Complete Facelifting (Full Facelift)

from CHF 11000


from CHF 6000

Male fat chest (gynecomastia)

from CHF 14000

Lower Bodylifting

from CHF 3000

Nipple atrial reduction

from CHF 4800

Ear Piercing


Plastic Surgeon Consultation

from CHF 8000

Nose Correction

from CHF 12000

Thigh tightening

from CHF 12500

Tummy tucking

Medical Aesthetics

from CHF 250

Fruit peel face, per session

Dermal Fillers
from CHF 600


from CHF 600

Nasolabial fold

from CHF 1000

Cheek volume

from CHF 800

back of Hand

Excessive Sweating Treatment
from CHF 800

Armpits (hyperhidrosis)


Sweating hands or feet

Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment
from CHF 300

Upper lip

from CHF 300


from CHF 450

Chin and upper lip

from CHF 800

Face completely

from CHF 1500


Laser Hair Removal
from CHF 300

Upper lip

from CHF 300


from CHF 450

Chin and upper lip

from CHF 450


from CHF 450


from CHF 450

Bikinizone sideways

from CHF 530

Bikinizone whole

from CHF 800

Leg per leg (by MPA)

from CHF 1000

Per thigh (by MPA)

from CHF 2500

Legs complete (by MPA)

from CHF 500

Back, depending on area (by MPA)

Treatment for Wrinkles

Treatment for Wrinkles

from CHF 400

Face folds

from CHF 400

Wrathful wrinkles

from CHF 600

Horizontal wrinkles and wrinkles

from CHF 400

Laughing eyes (crow's feet)

from CHF 800

Frontal folds, wrinkles and crow's feet (total)

from CHF 250

Chin (paving stone relief)

Skinmed AG - Herzogstrasse 10, Aarau, 5000,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Sascha Dunst -  at Skinmed AG

Sascha Dunst

Specialist for Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Member FMH Experience and innovation is the success recipe: As a specialist in FMH for plastic and aesthetic surgery, Dr. Sascha Dunst has been one of the best known faces in the industry for several years. Already during his training as a plastic surgeon, he specialized in aesthetic interventions and treatments. He expanded his abilities and skills at prestigious institutions such as the Charité - Universitätsklinik Berlin or the international private clinic Meoclinic Berlin. As chief physician of the Pallas-Kliniken Olten and Zurich, he built up the Department of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery over a decade and managed it with great success. Sascha Dunst has an excellent reputation among both professionals and patients. With the management of various workshops, he contributes significantly to the training and further education of doctors in the field of aesthetic surgery. Sascha Dunst is also a sought-after expert in the media. since 2004 Full member of the German Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons ( DGPRÄC ) since 2004 Member of the German Society of Anti-Aging Medicine ( GSAAM ) since 2004 Member of the German Society of Mesotherapy eV since 2006 Member of the Association of Swiss Physicians ( FMH ) since 2009 Full Member of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery ( EAFPS ) Since 2011 Active Member of ISAPS
Dr Dietmar Löffler -  at Skinmed AG

Dr Dietmar Löffler

Specialist in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Skinmed is proud and happy to count on it as an expert team: The specialist for plastic and aesthetic surgery Dr. Dietmar Löffler is one of the greats of his profession and many of the media. Since 1 August 2016, the beauty specialist has expanded the skinmed Center for Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery with his outstanding expertise and extraordinary operational skill. since 1998 Society for Aesthetic Surgery Germany ( GÄCD ) Since 1988 Association of German Surgeons ( BDC )
Dr Felix Bertram -  at Skinmed AG

Dr Felix Bertram

Vision, innovation, perfection: these terms characterize the exceptional vita of Dr. Felix Bertram. Inspired by his own visions, he has always devoted himself to the complex facets of innovative and effective dermatology and venereology since the beginning of his medical career. During his studies and his specialist training, he initially worked in various specialist departments of renowned clinics in Hamburg, Stuttgart, Berlin, Friedrichshafen, on Sylt and in Pretoria / South Africa. As a senior physician of the Clinic for Dermatology and Venerology Stuttgart / Bad Cannstatt, he already specialized in operative dermatology and plastic reconstructive surgery as well as aesthetic medicine and laser treatments. PhD at the University of Hamburg with a title "cum laude". German dermatological society ( DDG ) Swiss Society of Dermatology and Venereology ( SGDV ) Swiss Society for Aesthetic Dermatology and Skincare ( SGEDS ) German Society of Dermatological Surgery ( DGDC )
Show Phone Number

Herzogstrasse 10, Aarau, 5000Switzerland

  1. Europe
  2. Switzerland
  3. Plastic Surgeons Aarau