Jaw Contouring Serbia

All 2 Jaw Contouring Clinics in Serbia

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We have all the information you need about public and private plastic surgery clinics that provide jaw contouring in Serbia. Compare all the plastic surgeons and contact the jaw contouring clinic in Serbia that's right for you.

Jaw Contouring prices from 409553 дин. - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 2 Jaw Contouring Clinics in Serbia with 18 verified patient reviews.

from 210 users
Dental/Medical Center for Maxillofacial Surgery Beograd-Centar - Prof Zoran StajcicFeatured

Dental/Medical Center for Maxillofacial Surgery Beograd-Centar

Kraljice Natalije 35, 2nd Floor, Belgrade, 11000
4.9 from 12 verified reviews
I have next to no visible scarring and am ecstatic with my resultChristine, UK, 21 09 21

I had Facial feminisation surgery in May 2021 and Professor Stajcic is nothing short of magical with the results he has given me. My natural femininity has been allowed to shine through to its full potential and he listened carefully to my requests and made suggestions of his own to ensure I got the best results possible. I have next to no visible scarring and am ecstatic with my result.

Jaw Contouring 409553 дин. - 526568 дин.
Rhinoplasty 292538 дин. - 351045 дин.
Surgical fee + hospital costs including general anesthesia, one night in the hospital... (600 - 1.000)
Eyelid Surgery
Eyelid Surgery 117015 дин. - 234030 дин.
17 more treatments
from 93 users
Belgrade Smile - Mrs Ivona Bjenjas

Belgrade Smile

Francuska 25, Belgrade, 11000
4.9 from 6 verified reviews
High standard of diagnosis and treatment providedTomas, Serbia, 25 09 22

A very professional and friendly staff. High standard of diagnosis and treatment provided. Many thanks.

Jaw Contouring  
Dental Implants 29254 дин. - 45636 дин.
Dental Crowns 11702 дин. - 29254 дин.
26 more treatments
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