Plastic Surgery
Breast Implants
Breast augmentation (with round implants, anesthesia, and the Chamber)
Breast augmentation with suspenders (with round implants, anesthesia, and the Chamber)
Breast augmentation (with anatomic implants, anesthesia, and the Chamber)
Breast augmentation with suspenders (with anatomical-Kimi implants, anesthesia, and the Chamber)
Breast Lift
Lifting of breast (with anesthesia and the Chamber)
Breast Reduction - Reduction mammoplasty (with anesthesia and the Chamber)
Brow Lift - temporal lift
Removal of Bisha lumps (fat body cheeks)
Buttock augmentation ( with implants and anesthesia)
Upper blepharoplasty
Lower blepharoplasty classic
Transkonyunktivalnaya blepharoplasty
The upper and lower blepharoplasty
Lift the lower third of the face and neck
Facelift - Lift the midface
Gynecomastia - Mastectomy
Plastic labia (labiaplasty)
Lip Reduction
Correction of one lip
Correction of the upper and lower lips
Liposuction - Belly
Liposuction - body side sections
Liposuction - riding-breeches
Thigh Liposuction - Inner thighs
Neck Lift (platizmoplastika)
Bilateral otoplasty
Plastic Surgeon Consultation
Rhinoplasty (with anesthesia and the Chamber)
Revision rhinoplasty (with anesthesia and the Chamber)
Rhinoplasty - Correction of the nose
Full abdominoplasty (with linen and anesthesia Chamber)
Miniabdominoplastika (with linen and anesthesia Chamber)
Medical Aesthetics
Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation
Scar Removal
Scar Removal - more than 5 cm, the value of 1 cm
Beauty Salon Treatments
Dermabrasion - The upper face area
Dermabrasion - The average face zone
Dermabrasion - Lower facial zone