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Plastic Surgeon Dobreykin EA

Plastic Surgeon Dobreykin EA

Show Phone Number

ul. Oktyabrskaya, d.40 / 40, Saratov, 410031Russia

from 9 users
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Opening hours

Monday10:00 - 19:00
Tuesday10:00 - 19:00
Wednesday10:00 - 19:00
Thursday10:00 - 19:00
Friday10:00 - 19:00
Saturday10:00 - 12:00
Prices from 984 ₽ - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Plastic Surgery Clinic - ul. Oktyabrskaya, d.40 / 40, Saratov, 410031, Russia. Staff: Dr Eugen Dobreykin.

Popular Treatments

Plastic Surgeon Consultation

Breast Implants

Breast augmentation (with round implants, anesthesia, and the Chamber) from 120000 ₽
Breast augmentation with suspenders (with round implants, anesthesia, and the Chamber) from 140000 ₽
Breast augmentation (with anatomic implants, anesthesia, and the Chamber) from 130000 ₽
Breast augmentation with suspenders (with anatomical-Kimi implants, anesthesia, and the Chamber) from 150000 ₽


Liposuction - lap from 20000 ₽
Liposuction - upper back from 30000 ₽
Liposuction - Belly from 50000 ₽
Liposuction - body side sections from 30000 ₽
Liposuction - hands from 30000 ₽
See all treatments & prices

About Plastic Surgeon Dobreykin EA

For more information about Plastic Surgeon Dobreykin EA in Saratov please contact the clinic.
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Plastic Surgery

from 80000 ₽

Classical lift arms

Breast Implants
from 120000 ₽

Breast augmentation (with round implants, anesthesia, and the Chamber)

from 140000 ₽

Breast augmentation with suspenders (with round implants, anesthesia, and the Chamber)

from 130000 ₽

Breast augmentation (with anatomic implants, anesthesia, and the Chamber)

from 150000 ₽

Breast augmentation with suspenders (with anatomical-Kimi implants, anesthesia, and the Chamber)

Breast Lift
from 85000 ₽

Lifting of breast (with anesthesia and the Chamber)

from 35000 ₽

Periareolar breast lift

from 95000 ₽

Breast Reduction - Reduction mammoplasty (with anesthesia and the Chamber)

Brow Lift
from 50000 ₽

Forehead Lift

from 30000 ₽

Brow Lift - temporal lift

from 20000 ₽

Removal of Bisha lumps (fat body cheeks)

from 150000 ₽

Buttock augmentation ( with implants and anesthesia)

from 80000 ₽

Lifting the buttocks


Eyelid surgery

from 30000 ₽

Upper blepharoplasty

from 30000 ₽

Lower blepharoplasty classic

from 30000 ₽

Transkonyunktivalnaya blepharoplasty

from 55000 ₽

The upper and lower blepharoplasty

from 90000 ₽

Lift the lower third of the face and neck

from 70000 ₽

Facelift - Lift the midface

from 40000 ₽

Gynecomastia - Mastectomy

from 25000 ₽

Plastic labia (labiaplasty)

Lip Reduction
from 20000 ₽

Correction of one lip

from 30000 ₽

Correction of the upper and lower lips

from 50000 ₽

Liposuction - Belly

from 30000 ₽

Liposuction - body side sections

from 30000 ₽

Liposuction - hands

from 30000 ₽

Liposuction - riding-breeches

from 20000 ₽

Liposuction - lap

from 30000 ₽

Liposuction - upper back

from 30000 ₽

Thigh Liposuction - Inner thighs

from 30000 ₽

Neck Lift (platizmoplastika)

from 25000 ₽

Surgical reconstruction

from 30000 ₽

Bilateral otoplasty

from 20000 ₽

Unilateral otoplasty

from 6000 ₽

Eliminating the gap lobe


Plastic Surgeon Consultation

from 85000 ₽

Rhinoplasty (with anesthesia and the Chamber)

from 95000 ₽

Revision rhinoplasty (with anesthesia and the Chamber)

from 20000 ₽

Rhinoplasty - Correction of the nose

from 90000 ₽

Classical thigh lift


Tummy Tuck

from 90000 ₽

Full abdominoplasty (with linen and anesthesia Chamber)

from 65000 ₽

Miniabdominoplastika (with linen and anesthesia Chamber)

Medical Aesthetics


Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation

Scar Removal
from 1000 ₽

Scar Removal - more than 5 cm, the value of 1 cm

from 7000 ₽

Scar Removal - to 5 cm

Beauty Salon Treatments

from 10000 ₽

Dermabrasion - The upper face area

from 10000 ₽

Dermabrasion - The average face zone

from 15000 ₽

Dermabrasion - Lower facial zone

Plastic Surgeon Dobreykin EA - ul. Oktyabrskaya, d.40 / 40, Saratov, 410031,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Eugen Dobreykin - Surgeon at Plastic Surgeon Dobreykin EA

Dr Eugen Dobreykin

Job Title:
Generalny director TSRPH "PROTOS", Candidate of Medical Science, plastic surgeon, member of the ROH, the author of publications in Russian and international editions. Training in plastic surgery took place at the famous plastic surgeons Israel (2013.) And France (2011).. Professional training in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery held in Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Saint-Petersburg. For several years he worked in a specialized clinic of plastic surgery of the Southern Urals. A graduate of the medical faculty of Saratov State Medical University. Specialization in general surgery was based on the Saratov Regional Hospital. A graduate of the department of operative surgery and topographic anatomy of SSMU, on the basis of which, under the guidance of Head of Department, Doctor. honey. Sciences Professor VV Alipova, carries out scientific-experimental work to develop new methods of treatment of burn wounds festering. He has authored over 30 scientific publications, including international ones. The patent in the field of scientific work.
Show Phone Number

ul. Oktyabrskaya, d.40 / 40, Saratov, 410031Russia

  1. Europe
  2. Russia
  3. Plastic Surgeons Saratov