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Plastic Surgeon Oleg Banizh - Sankt-Peterburg

Plastic Surgeon Oleg Banizh - Sankt-Peterburg

Show Phone Number

Tavricheskaya ul., 1, Sankt-Peterburg, 191015Russia

from 1 user
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Opening hours

Monday10:00 - 21:00
Tuesday10:00 - 21:00
Wednesday10:00 - 21:00
Thursday10:00 - 21:00
Friday10:00 - 21:00
Prices from 1204 ₽ - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Plastic Surgery Clinic - Tavricheskaya ul., 1, Sankt-Peterburg, 191015, Russia. Staff: Dr Oleg Banizh.

Popular Treatments

Breast Implants from 288000 ₽


Liposuction from 45000 ₽
Chin Liposuction from 101000 ₽


Rhinoplasty from 230000 ₽
Secondary (reconstructive) Rhinoplasty from 345000 ₽

Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty - 1 Cat. difficulties from 207000 ₽
Abdominoplasty - 2 Cat. difficulties from 288000 ₽
Abdominoplasty - 3 Cat. difficulties from 345000 ₽
Gynecomastia from 138000 ₽
Eyelid surgery
See all treatments & prices

About Plastic Surgeon Oleg Banizh - Sankt-Peterburg

For more information about Plastic Surgeon Oleg Banizh - Sankt-Peterburg in Saint Petersburg please contact the clinic.
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Plastic Surgery

from 115000 ₽

Areola Reduction

from 240000 ₽


from 184000 ₽

Body Lift

from 288000 ₽

Breast Implants

from 288000 ₽


from 140000 ₽

Brow Lift

from 345000 ₽

Butt Lift


Eyelid surgery

from 66000 ₽

Blepharoplasty of upper eyelids

from 87000 ₽

Blepharoplasty of lower eyelids

from 154000 ₽

Upper and lower eyelids

from 87000 ₽

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty of lower eyelids

from 368000 ₽

Facelift with SMAS fixation middle third

from 120000 ₽

Lipofilling buttocks with one hand

from 120000 ₽

Male Genital Reshaping

from 138000 ₽


from 87000 ₽


from 45000 ₽


from 101000 ₽

Chin Liposuction

from 65000 ₽


from 230000 ₽


from 345000 ₽

Secondary (reconstructive) Rhinoplasty

Tummy Tuck
from 207000 ₽

Abdominoplasty - 1 Cat. difficulties

from 288000 ₽

Abdominoplasty - 2 Cat. difficulties

from 345000 ₽

Abdominoplasty - 3 Cat. difficulties

Medical Aesthetics

from 15000 ₽

Dermal Fillers

Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment
from 42000 ₽

Laser peeling - face with the chin area

from 56000 ₽

Laser peeling - face, neck, décolleté

from 16000 ₽

Laser peeling - décolleté

from 26000 ₽

Lip Augmentation


Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation

from 10000 ₽

Mesotherapy Sakura

from 12000 ₽

Mesotherapy Sakura EJI

from 7500 ₽

Er: YAG resurfacing - the scar up to 5 cm

from 46000 ₽

Silhouette Lift™

Spider Veins Treatment
from 2340 ₽

Spider Veins Treatment

from 4250 ₽

Laser removal of spider veins on the face, the body (2 to 5 sq. Cm)

Treatment for Wrinkles
from 24500 ₽

Treatment for Wrinkles

from 26500 ₽

Full face

from 15000 ₽

Area between the eyebrows

from 8000 ₽

Crow's feet

from 20000 ₽

Varicose Veins Treatment


from 3600 ₽

Laser acne treatment Nd: YAG laser - the face area

Pigmentation Treatment
from 8000 ₽

Pigmentation Treatment

from 12000 ₽

Pigmentation Treatment - Body

from 1200 ₽

Wart Removal

Plastic Surgeon Oleg Banizh - Sankt-Peterburg - Tavricheskaya ul., 1, Sankt-Peterburg, 191015,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Oleg Banizh -  at Plastic Surgeon Oleg Banizh - Sankt-Peterburg

Dr Oleg Banizh

Certified plastic surgeon. In the profession for over 15 years and a true professional in their field, what say his many achievements in the field of plastic surgery. Attaché Head of Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Hospital of St. Anne (Paris, France). Chief doctor "Stikliay» SPA-center (Vilnius, Lithuania). The operating "Obazhi clinics» Clinic surgeon (Judd, Saudi Arabia). Invited lecturer at the department of plastic, reconstructive surgery, aesthetic medicine and cellular technologies Russian National Research Medical University (Head of Department Manturova Natalia E.). Is a member of the expert council of the International Club EXPERTS-to-EXPERTS (Paris, France), is involved in many national and international congresses and conferences on plastic and aesthetic surgery. Included in the 10 best specialists in injection techniques and injection lifting in Europe and Saudi Arabia.
Show Phone Number

Tavricheskaya ul., 1, Sankt-Peterburg, 191015Russia