See all Plastic Surgery Clinics in Moscow



Show Phone Number

Ivankovskoye sh., 7, Moskva, 125367Russia

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Opening hours

Monday10:00 - 20:00
Tuesday10:00 - 20:00
Wednesday10:00 - 20:00
Thursday10:00 - 20:00
Friday10:00 - 20:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Multi-specialty clinic - Ivankovskoye sh., 7, Moskva, 125367, Russia. Staff: Dr Pavel Abramov, Dr Alexei Mikhailovich, Dr Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Gagarin.

Popular Treatments

Plastic Surgeon Consultation

Breast Implants

Lifting of breast, without reducing its volume from 79000 ₽
Lifting of breast, while reducing its volume from 79000 ₽
Breast augmentation with implants Wanhe (China) from 129900 ₽
Breast augmentation with implants McGhan from 145000 ₽
Breast enlargement by anatomical implants Wanhe from 175000 ₽
Liposuction from 20000 ₽


Rhinoplasty from 75000 ₽
Rhinoplasty - rinoseptoplasty from 90000 ₽
Abdominoplasty from 70000 ₽
See all treatments & prices

About Medamed

For more information about Medamed in Moscow please contact the clinic.
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  • ISAPS - International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (International) 

Plastic Surgery

Breast Implants
from 129900 ₽

Breast augmentation with implants Wanhe (China)

from 145000 ₽

Breast augmentation with implants McGhan

from 175000 ₽

Breast enlargement by anatomical implants Wanhe

from 79000 ₽

Lifting of breast, without reducing its volume

from 79000 ₽

Lifting of breast, while reducing its volume


Eyelid surgery

from 3000 ₽

Lift the upper eyelid or lower eyelid

from 55000 ₽

Lift upper and lower eyelids

from 145000 ₽

Facelift. Braces for all zones

from 20000 ₽


from 38000 ₽



Plastic Surgeon Consultation

from 75000 ₽


from 90000 ₽

Rhinoplasty - rinoseptoplasty

from 70000 ₽


Medical Aesthetics

from 1800 ₽

Chemical Peel - Chemical peeling GlykoPur


Electrolysis - body electrolysis


Electrolysis - Face; bikini area

Massage Therapy

from 800 ₽

Face massage Jacquet (30 mins)

from 1500 ₽

Spina (medical) (1 hour)

from 500 ₽

Massage - Collar area (30 mins)

from 1300 ₽

Massage - Massage the face and neck (30 mins)



from 1000 ₽

MLD - Manual Lymphatic Drainage (40 mins)

Obstetrics / Gynaecology

from 430 ₽

Statement of contraceptive ring

from 550 ₽

Education staging contraceptive ring

IUD - Intrauterine Device
from 1650 ₽

IUD (intrauterine device without cost)

from 1100 ₽

Removing the IUD

from 2200 ₽

Instrumental IUD removal

Obstetrician / Gynaecologist Consultation

Obstetrician / Gynaecologist Consultation

from 1500 ₽

Primary reception gynecologist

Beauty Salon Treatments


Beauty Salon Enquiry

from 1500 ₽

Facials - Cleaning manual

from 1300 ₽

Facials - UZ purge persons

from 1750 ₽

Facials - Care lifting massage Jacquet

from 700 ₽

Waxing - Feet to the tibia



from 800 ₽

Waxing - Hands full

from 600 ₽

Waxing - Hands up to the elbow

from 400 ₽

Waxing -Forehead

from 300 ₽

Waxing - Armpits

from 600 ₽

Waxing - Back

from 500 ₽

Waxing - Life

from 700 ₽

Waxing - Buttocks

from 1200 ₽

Bikini Wax

from 1200 ₽

Legs completely

from 150 ₽

Lip Wax - Upper lip

Medamed - Ivankovskoye sh., 7, Moskva, 125367,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Pavel Abramov - Surgeon at Medamed

Dr Pavel Abramov

Job Title:
Certified plastic and general surgeon with the international practice and experience.He trained at the famous Italian plastic surgeons MD Luigi Maria Lapalorcia in Perugia and MD Maurizio Nava in Milan. Conducted in private practice Hospital of Assisi, (plastic surgery dept.), Hospital of Umbertide, (plastic surgery dept.), Ambulatorio Polispecialistico Flaminia, Casa di cura Liotti Perugia in Italy. He is fluent in Italian and English, and therefore has the opportunity to practice both in Russia and in Europe. His first education Paul V. was in Moscow at the medical faculty of the First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov. His first specialty - medical business. He then continued his studies in Italy, in Perugia, where he graduated from Università degli Studi di Perugia (Perugia University), majoring Chirurgia Plastica (plastic surgery). He did not stop its development in their chosen profession, which was the cause of his life, and later went on to study. He completed an internship at the First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov in "general surgery". He then studied at the residency in Moscow - the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (RMAPO) - and graduated with a specialty "plastic surgery." Paul V. does not get tired to improve and also visited the World Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive Microsurgery, held in Chicago, in the United States.
Dr Alexei Mikhailovich - Surgeon at Medamed

Dr Alexei Mikhailovich

Job Title:
AM Borovikov - doctor of medical sciences, professor, practitioner and author of scientific works, the number of which reaches two hundred. He - a member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), President of the Society of Aesthetic Medicine Specialists. Through in-depth training and the introduction of new ideas, Alexis won the competition initiated by the British Society of Plastic Surgeons, and had the opportunity to undergo training in the UK. Thirty-eight years of his life , Professor Borovikov dedicated to plastic surgery. He began his work as a surgeon, but plastic surgery led him anymore. For ten years he was deputy director of the Central Research Institute of Prosthetics, where he had a great opportunity to develop and enrich their knowledge in the fields of plastic surgery.
Dr Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Gagarin - Surgeon at Medamed

Dr Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Gagarin

Job Title:
She professionals who trust their health and appearance of many hundreds of patients from all over Russia. Microsurgery, MD, Svetlana Vyacheslavovna holds a professor of plastic surgery People's Friendship University. Surgical practice doctor beginning in 1992. The professional relations with colleagues in the West, as well as friendship and personal acquaintance with the most talented and well-known specialists in plastic surgery around the world, Svetlana Vyacheslavovna timely learn about the latest trends and the latest developments in the world of plastic surgery. She enters the list of the most popular and sought-after specialists in Moscow. However, the best scientific regalia of professionalism Svetlana Vyacheslavovna tell grateful patients. Photographs of patients before and after surgery Svetlana Vyacheslavovna dazzling. Even if the surgery did not concern persons, it is difficult to believe that they are one and the same person is shown. It is amazing to see the transformation of the sad, shy, burdened with complexes of people, get rid of the problems that tormented their lifetime. After surgery, many patients Svetlana Vyacheslavovna not only achieved happiness in his personal life, but were finally able to take place as the experts, get a new job, which did not dare to dream before the surgery. In addition, the site, you can ask your question for a long time, make an appointment or an appointment. May resolve your problem is easier than you think!
Show Phone Number

Ivankovskoye sh., 7, Moskva, 125367Russia