See all Plastic Surgery Clinics in Moscow

Lux Clinic

Lux Clinic

Show Phone Number

Michurinskiy pr., 7к1, "Shuvalov" housing complex, Moskva, 119192Russia

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Opening hours

Please contact clinic for their opening hours
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Multi-specialty clinic - Michurinskiy pr., 7к1, "Shuvalov" housing complex, Moskva, 119192, Russia. Staff: Dr Alexis Borovikov, Dr Mammadov Rusif Bezhanovich, Dr Sagitova Patimat.

Popular Treatments

Plastic Surgeon Consultation

Breast Implants

Breast enlargement by anatomical implants Natrelle from 225000 ₽
Breast enlargement with round implants Natrelle from 200000 ₽
Edoskopicheskoe anatomical implants breast augmentation Natrelle from 295000 ₽
The increase in one breast from 155000 ₽
Replacement of the implant from 195000 ₽
Removal of the implants from 95000 ₽
Correction of the implant position from 95000 ₽
Round Natrelle (IAC GAN) (1 implant) from 22750 ₽
Anatomical Natrelle (IAC GAN), the Style 410 (1 implant) from 29500 ₽
See all treatments & prices

About Lux Clinic

For more information about Lux Clinic in Moscow please contact the clinic.
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  • SAMS - Society of Aesthetic Medicine Singapore (Singapore) 
  • SPRAS - Rossiyskoye obshchestvo plasticheskikh, rekonstruktivnykh i esteticheskikh khirurgov (Russia) 
  • ISAPS - International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (International) 
  • IPRAS - International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (International) 
  • ISRM - Institute of Sports and Remedial Massage (UK) 
  • ASAPS - The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (US) 

Plastic Surgery

Areola Reduction
from 115000 ₽

Reduction of areola

from 105000 ₽

Correction of the areola

from 170000 ₽

Hand lift (brachioplasty)

from 300000 ₽

Body Lift

Breast Implants
from 225000 ₽

Breast enlargement by anatomical implants Natrelle

from 200000 ₽

Breast enlargement with round implants Natrelle

from 295000 ₽

Edoskopicheskoe anatomical implants breast augmentation Natrelle

from 155000 ₽

The increase in one breast

from 195000 ₽

Replacement of the implant

from 95000 ₽

Removal of the implants

from 95000 ₽

Correction of the implant position

from 22750 ₽

Round Natrelle (IAC GAN) (1 implant)

from 29500 ₽

Anatomical Natrelle (IAC GAN), the Style 410 (1 implant)

Breast Lift
from 225000 ₽

Zoom in and around the areola breast lift (without cost of implants)

from 115000 ₽

Breast lift around the areola

from 155000 ₽

Breast lift with a vertical scar

from 175000 ₽

Breast lift (with a T-shaped scar)

from 75000 ₽

Lift one breast around the areola (periareolar mastopexy)

from 95000 ₽

Lift one breast with a vertical scar (vertical mammoplasty)

from 115000 ₽

Lift one breast (with a T-shaped scar)

Breast Reduction
from 205000 ₽

Breast Reduction - category of complexity (with a vertical scar)

from 225000 ₽

Breast Reduction - category of complexity (with a T-shaped scar)

from 115000 ₽

Reduction of one breast (with a vertical scar)

from 135000 ₽

Reduction of one breast (with a T-shaped scar)

Brow Lift
from 150000 ₽

Endoscopic forehead lift and brow

from 120000 ₽

Endoscopic temporal lifting (temporoplastika)

from 185000 ₽

Buttock augmentation (glyuteoplastika)

from 130000 ₽

Increase cheekbone

from 130000 ₽

Chin Augmentation


Eyelid surgery

from 50000 ₽

Blepharoplasty of upper eyelids

from 50000 ₽

Blepharoplasty of lower eyelids

from 50000 ₽

Transkonyuktivalnaya blepharoplasty

from 100000 ₽

Blepharoplasty upper and lower eyelids

from 60000 ₽

Blepharoplasty - Plastic Oriental Century

from 150000 ₽

Endoscopic midface lift

from 55000 ₽

Lipofilling face (Zone 1)

from 50000 ₽

Plastic inverted nipples (a)

from 60000 ₽

Plastics of the labia minora

from 80000 ₽

Plastics of the labia majora

from 60000 ₽

Surgical correction of the lips (chiloplasty)

from 55000 ₽

Liposuction person (Zone 1)

from 110000 ₽

Liposuction person (zone 3)

from 90000 ₽

Liposuction person (zone 2)

from 90000 ₽

Liposuction body (zone 2)

from 130000 ₽

Liposuction - Body Liposuction (4 areas)

from 55000 ₽

Liposuction - Liposuction person (Zone 1)

from 150000 ₽

Endoscopic neck lift

from 55000 ₽

Nipple Reduction - Correction of folds under the breast

from 60000 ₽

Otoplasty - Plastic two ears

from 40000 ₽

Otoplasty - Plastic one pinna

from 40000 ₽

Otoplasty - Plastic earlobes


Plastic Surgeon Consultation

from 200000 ₽

Rhinoplasty (nose reduction)

from 250000 ₽

Rhinoplasty - rhinoseptoplasty

from 150000 ₽

Rhinoplasty -Plastic tip of the nose

from 300000 ₽

Rhinoplasty - Revision rhinoplasty

from 100000 ₽

Rhinoplasty - Rhinoplasty wings

from 170000 ₽

Thigh Lift

Tummy Tuck
from 250000 ₽

Tummy tuck with the movement of the belly button and suturing the rectus muscles

from 60000 ₽

Tummy Tuck - Plastic navel

from 200000 ₽


Medical Aesthetics

Dermal Fillers
from 19000 ₽

Dermal Fillers - Surgiderm (Surzhiderm) 24XP volume of 1 ml

from 15000 ₽

Dermal Fillers - 0.55 ml

from 18000 ₽

Dermal Fillers - 1 ml

from 7000 ₽

Dermal Fillers - biorevitalization Ial System volume of 0.6 ml

from 10000 ₽

Dermal Fillers - biorevitalizationIal System volume of 1.1 ml

from 12000 ₽

Dermal Fillers - biorevitalization Ial System ACP volume of 1 ml

from 18000 ₽

Dermal Fillers - Meso-Wharton volume of 1.5 m

from 18000 ₽

Dermal Fillers - Meso Ksatin volume of 1.5 ml

from 2500 ₽

Correction of figures (LPG cell m6) 1 treatment (35 mins)

from 3200 ₽

Correction of figures (LPG cell m6) 1 treatment  (55 mins)

Excessive Sweating Treatment
from 28000 ₽

Hyperhidrosis - Armpits 100 units

from 28000 ₽

Hyperhidrosis - Palms 100 units

from 28000 ₽

Hyperhidrosis - Feet 100 units


Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation

from 6500 ₽

Mesotherapy - Filorga NSTF - 135 (3.0 mL)

from 7500 ₽

Mesotherapy - Filorga Embryoblast (3.0 mL)

from 9000 ₽

Aqualyx - Aqualux (8 ml)

from 5000 ₽

Mesotherapy (removal of localized fat deposits) Gialrepayr 0.8 M (5.0 ml)

from 11500 ₽

Mesotherapy (removal of localized fat deposits) Gialrepayr 0.8 (1.5 ml)

Silhouette Lift
from 25000 ₽

Silhouette Lift™ - Softlifting Silhouette Lift 1 thread

from 18000 ₽

Softlifting Silhouette Soft 8 cones

from 1500 ₽

Softlifting Silhouette Vitaliti 100

from 2500 ₽

Softlifting Silhouette Vitaliti 1 thread

Soprano Laser Hair Removal
from 8500 ₽

Soprano Laser Hair Removal - Face ful (40 mins)

from 3000 ₽

Soprano Laser Hair Removal -Bankerbardy (20 mins)

from 2000 ₽

Soprano Laser Hair Removal -The zone above the lip (10 mins)

from 2500 ₽

Soprano Laser Hair Removal -Chin (15 mins)

from 2500 ₽

Soprano Laser Hair Removal - Armpits  (10 mins)

from 5500 ₽

Soprano Laser Hair Removal - Shoulders (40 mins)

from 7000 ₽

Soprano Laser Hair Removal - Hands full  (40 mins)

from 6000 ₽

Soprano Laser Hair Removal - Hands up to the elbow (30 mins)

from 5500 ₽

Soprano Laser Hair Removal - Hands (15 mins)

from 2000 ₽

Soprano Laser Hair Removal - Fingers and toes (15 mins)

from 7500 ₽

Soprano Laser Hair Removal - Belly full (40 mins)

from 2000 ₽

Soprano Laser Hair Removal - White belly line (10 mins)

from 5000 ₽

Soprano Laser Hair Removal - Loin (30 mins)

from 5000 ₽

Soprano Laser Hair Removal - Bikini line (20 mins)

from 7000 ₽

Soprano Laser Hair Removal - Deep bikini (20 mins)

from 5000 ₽

Soprano Laser Hair Removal - Buttocks (20 mins)

from 15000 ₽

Soprano Laser Hair Removal - Legs full (1 hour 30 mins)

from 9000 ₽

Soprano Laser Hair Removal - Hips  (1 hour)

from 1500 ₽

Soprano Laser Hair Removal - Knees  (15 mins)

from 7000 ₽

Soprano Laser Hair Removal - Shin (30 mins)

Thread Lift
from 1500 ₽

Thread Lift - Mezoniti LFL 1 thread

from 1200 ₽

Thread Lift - LFL Mezoniti from 50 - 100 threads

from 1000 ₽

Thread Lift - LFL Mezoniti from 100 yarns

Treatment for Wrinkles
from 400 ₽

Treatment for Wrinkles i Unit

from 6800 ₽

Treatment for Wrinkles - Eyes

from 6000 ₽

Treatment for Wrinkles - brow

from 8000 ₽

Treatment for Wrinkles - forehead

from 130000 ₽

Ultherapy - Face (504 pulse)

from 20000 ₽

Ultherapy - Lifting the upper lip and the nasolabial folds (50 pulses)

from 75000 ₽

Ultherapy - Cheeks to chin (266 pulses)

from 40000 ₽

Ultherapy - Submandibular area (100 pulses)

from 62000 ₽

Ultherapy - Cleavage (160 pulses)

from 60000 ₽

Ultherapy -Neck (150 pulses)

Hair Loss Treatments


Hair Loss Specialist Consultation

from 70 ₽

Transplant FUE hair individual calculation for hair

Ear Nose and Throat


ENT Specialist Consultation

from 150000 ₽

Plastics of nasal septum (septoplasty)


from 1000 ₽

Dermatologist Consultation

Beauty Salon Treatments


Beauty Salon Enquiry



Lux Clinic - Michurinskiy pr., 7к1,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Alexis Borovikov - Surgeon at Lux Clinic

Dr Alexis Borovikov

Job Title:
Plastic Surgeon, Professor, MD, president of the Society of Professionals of Aesthetic Medicine (SAMS), a member of the Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (SPRAS), a member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (of ISAPS), a member of the International Confederation of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeons ( IPRAS), a member of the International society for reconstructive microsurgery (ISRM), foreign corresponding member of the American society for aesthetic plastic Surgery (ASAPS), a member of the European Association of genital microsurgery (EAGM).
Dr Mammadov Rusif Bezhanovich - Surgeon at Lux Clinic

Dr Mammadov Rusif Bezhanovich

Job Title:
Plastic surgeon, maxillofacial surgeon. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Specialist endoscopic plastic surgery.
Dr Sagitova Patimat - Surgeon at Lux Clinic

Dr Sagitova Patimat

Job Title:
Plastic Surgeon, Maxillofacial surgeon, cosmetologist
Show Phone Number

Michurinskiy pr., 7к1, "Shuvalov" housing complex, Moskva, 119192Russia