Dr Andrey Andrievsky
Job Title:
Surgeon Biography:
Plastic Surgeon, PhD. Currently operating in the St. Petersburg Academy of plastic surgery, medical cosmetology and aesthetic dentistry «Atribeaute Clinique», as the leading plastic surgeon - in clinics of Moscow and Novgorod the Great. 11 years of surgical time. More than 2000 successful operations. Speaker of international congresses and symposia on plastic and reconstructive surgery. Head of Studies of the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, St. Petersburg State University. He started his career as a cardiovascular surgeon, operated on at the Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy. Mechnikov. Since 2012 - a plastic surgeon at the Academy of Plastic Surgery, medical cosmetology and aesthetic dentistry «Atribeaute Clinique». 2008-2011 gg. - Surgery Center of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy. Mechnikov. Of 2006-2008. - Assistant of the Department of Surgical Diseases of Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy. II Mechnikov. Since 2013 - Associate Professor, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the State Budget Institution of Higher Professional Education Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University. Education: In 2010 he defended his thesis. Author of 19 scientific works, 1 patent for an invention. From 2004 to 2006 he studied at the residency in the specialty "Surgery" in the Academy. II Mechnikov. In 2004 he graduated from the Institute of Medical Education. Member of scientific congresses and symposiums: Scientific-practical conference "Modern methods of light therapy in aesthetic medicine." St. Petersburg, 2005 Scientific-practical conference "New in laser cosmetology: problems and achievements." Moscow, 2009 Paragon Forum. St. Petersburg 2009 I course ISAPS «Aesthetic Surgery of eyelids and periorbital region." St. Petersburg, November 2009 II International Conference "New Technology of Laser and instrumental cosmetology." Moscow, January 2010 II Course ISAPS «Aesthetic breast surgery." St. Petersburg, May 2010 Workshop on Plastic Surgery "matrix presentation of anatomical implants Euvrosilicone. Revolutionary technology strands Silhouette Lift ». Yekaterinburg, June 2010 VII Congress of the "Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons" Moscow, December 2010 III international conference "New technologies and hardware of laser cosmetology" Moscow, January 2011 I Sino-European Congress of Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, Beijing, October 2011 International Symposium "Advanced simulation body from head to toe." New York, December 2011 I Congress of the International Society of Plastic Regenerative Surgery (ISPRES). Rome, March 2012 Symposium "Allergan Academy", dedicated to Breast Implants. St. Petersburg, July 2012 International Symposium "Advanced modeling of the nose," New York, December 2012