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Klinika Kolasiński

Klinika Kolasiński

Show Phone Number

Ul. Staszica 20 A, Swarzędz, 62020Poland

from 11 users
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Opening hours

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Enquire for a fast quote ★ Good ServiceScore™ 6.3 from 11 votes ★ Visit our Plastic Surgery Clinic - Ul. Staszica 20 A, Swarzędz, 62020, Poland.

Popular Treatments

Breast Implants
Nose Correction Surgery
Tummy Tuck
Eyelid surgery
Breast Reduction
Face Area Surgery
Breast Lift
Ear problems
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About Klinika Kolasiński

The Kolasinski Clinic was established in 1984. Both consistency of our activities and thoroughly planned strategy contributed to creating the image of the Clinic that we have today a team of doctors and nurses who are well capable of performing top world level surgeries. Jerzy Kolasinski has been invited to conduct show operations and give lectures and courses on hair restoration surgery and aesthetic surgery all over the world. He has trained a number of doctors who are active in Poland (Wroclaw, Warszawa) as well as abroad: in Ireland, Australia, Russia, the Ukraine, the Republic of South Africa. We offer:  Dermabrasion, Botulinum, Otoplasty – ear surgery, Eyelids, Face Area Surgery , Breast Augmentation.
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Languages spoken


Plastic Surgery


Breast Implants


Breast Lift


Breast Reduction


Eyelid surgery




Face Area Surgery






Ear problems


Nose Correction Surgery


Tummy Tuck

Medical Aesthetics


Silhouette Lift


Treatment for Wrinkles

Hair Loss Treatments


Hair Loss Treatment


Hair Transplantation


FUE - Follicular Unit Extraction


BHT – Body Hair Transplant

Beauty Salon Treatments



Klinika Kolasiński - Ul. Staszica 20 A, Swarzędz, 62020,

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Private Patients Welcome
Dr Jerzy Kolasinski - Doctor at Klinika Kolasiński

Dr Jerzy Kolasinski

Job Title:
Specialist in surgery currently undergoing specialty training in plastic surgery. He is a member of the Polish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, and the founder, owner and director of the Kolasinski Clinic – Hair Clinic Poznan. Dr Kolasinski is an active member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery and the American Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. Over the years 2000-2002 he was a Vice-President of the European Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. In the years 2000-2004 he was the Chairman of the Polish Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. Between 2005 and 2011 he was a Board Member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery.
Malgorzata Kolenda - Surgeon at Klinika Kolasiński

Malgorzata Kolenda

Job Title:
An expert surgeon who has been cooperating with the Kolasinski Clinic since 1994. Her 13-year-long experience in aesthetic surgery abounds in numerous surgeries of hair transplantation, ear correction, breast augmentation and reduction, abdominoplasty and liposuction aimed at modelling body shape. She has also participated in many professional trainings in the field of breast surgeries, chemical abrasion of the skin and the treatment of facial wrinkles both in the USA and Western Europe. She has performed many surgeries of renewing of skin such as chemical and mechanic peelings, [Treatment name removed] injections and filling wrinkles with various wrinkle fillers. As a pioneer, she has performed the first Blue Peel Peeling in Poland after being trained by dr Obagi in California, USA. She is also a founder and currently the president of the Polish Society of Hair Restoration Surgery and a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery as well as a board member of the Polish Society of Anti-Aging Medicine. She is an author and coauthor of many lectures delivered and papers published in reputable Polish and foreign magazines devoted to hair restoration and aesthetic surgery. She is also a lecturer at the College of Cosmetology in Poznan providing the lectures on aesthetic surgery.
Professor Marek Napiontek -  at Klinika Kolasiński

Professor Marek Napiontek

A specialist of orthopeadic surgery and traumatology of the motion system. A lecturer at the Department of Paediatric Orthopaedics at the Institute of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Medical Academy in Poznan. He is author of dozens of research papers published in Polish and foreign medical journals. He is a member of the Polish Orthopaedic and Traumatological Society, European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society and Societe Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopedique et de Traumatologie. Dr Napiontek cooperates with Hair Clinic Poznañ from many years. He specialises in orthopaedic procedures in children with feet malformations and with cerebral palsy.
Malgorzata Mackiewicz-Wysocka -  at Klinika Kolasiński

Malgorzata Mackiewicz-Wysocka

MD, PhD Malgorzata Mackiewicz-Wysocka is a graduate of Karol Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences (2001). She was awarded MD, PhD in 2002 and now specializes in dermatology and venereology (2008). She has been employed in the Dermatology Clinic at Poznan University of Medical Sciences. She has been an author of more than 20 scientific publications on dermatology and oncology. In 1997 she served her residency in Eppley Cancer Center, at the University of Nebraska State, USA, and in Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, USA. In 2001-2002 she served her residnecy program on surgical treatment of skin lesions at Wielkopolska Center of Oncology in Poznan. She is a member of the Polish Association of Dermatology and Polish Society of Experimental and Clinical Immunology. She attended numerous courses on esthetic dermatologic surgery in the Center for Esthetic Dermatology in Lódz. Her professional interests concentrate mainly on preventive treatment and the treatment of early phases of melanoma of the skin as well as the latest therapeutic methods applied in esthetic dermatology.
Show Phone Number

Ul. Staszica 20 A, Swarzędz, 62020Poland

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