Dr Gautam Gangurde
Job Title:
Doctor Biography:
He is a board certified plastic surgeon spacializing in all of the most rewarding and beneficial procedures in cosmetic surgery including breast augmentation, breast lift, body contouring, facial plastic surgery and non invasive skin rejuvenation procedures. He is also force behind the satisfied hearts and upbeat faces of his clients and their families. Over the past year, Dr Gautam Gangurde has performed many Reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgeries. He surgical expertise has roots in an advanced training regime that has taken him across the states. Post his MBBS from N.D.M.V.P'S Medical college( Nashik) in 2004, he qualified for MS (General surgery) from T.N.Medical college & B.Y.L. Nair Hospital ( Mumbai). He chose to further pursue his interest in field of Onco plastic reconstruction so worked at Tata Memorial Hospital( Mumbai). He then mastered M.Ch. plastic surgery at prestigious N.H.L Medical College (Ahmedabad).