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King-Charles-street 28, Stuttgart, 70372Germany

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Opening hours

Monday07:30 - 12:30 | 14:00 - 19:00
Tuesday07:30 - 12:30 | 14:00 - 19:00
Wednesday07:30 - 12:30 | 14:00 - 19:00
Thursday07:30 - 12:30 | 14:00 - 19:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Multi-specialty clinic - King-Charles-street 28, Stuttgart, 70372, Germany. Staff: Andrea Dietrich, Heiko Grimme, Dr Sarah Graves.

Popular Treatments

Plastic Surgeon Consultation
Mole Removal
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About Hautzentrum

For more information about Hautzentrum in Stuttgart please contact the clinic.
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  • AAD - American Academy of Dermatology (US) 
  • ISDS - International Society for Dermatologic Surgery (International) 

Plastic Surgery


Plastic Surgeon Consultation

Medical Aesthetics


Excessive Sweating Treatment


IPL Hair Removal


Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation


Mole Removal


Tattoo Removal


Vitiligo tattooing restoration

General Practice


Allergy Testing



Acupuncture Treatment



Acne Treatment


Age Spots Removal


Dermatologist Consultation


Rosacea Treatment


Skin Cancer Screening

Beauty Salon Treatments


Beauty Salon Enquiry



Hautzentrum - King-Charles-street 28, Stuttgart, 70372,

Payment information


Private Patients WelcomePublic Health InsuranceEuropean Health Insurance Card
Andrea Dietrich - Doctor at Hautzentrum

Andrea Dietrich

Job Title:
Zusatzbezeichnungen: Allergologie, Phlebologie, Naturheilverfahren Weitere Qualifikationen: Diploma in Aesthetic Laser Medicine der Universität Greifswald (4/2005), Diplom Lasertherapie der Deutschen Dermatologischen Akademie Diplom Dermatologische Kosmetologie der Deutschen Dermatologischen Akademie Akupunktur (Diplom A) Zertifizierte Anwenderin der DGBT Besondere weitere Schwerpunkte: Lasermedizin Hautkrebs Kinderdermatologie Ästhetische Medizin Faltenglättung/Hautverj ngung Operative Dermatologie Psoriasis Vitiligo Mitglied in folgenden Gesellschaften: Deutsche Dermatologische Lasergesellschaft Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft American Academy of Dermatology European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology Deutsche Gesellschaft for sthetische Botulinimtoxin-Therapie International Society for Dermatologic Surgery International Dermoscopy Society
Heiko Grimme - Doctor at Hautzentrum

Heiko Grimme

Job Title:
Allergy, Natural Remedies Other qualifications: Diploma in Aesthetic Laser Medicine of the University of Greifswald (4/2005), Diploma Laser Therapy Academy of Dermatology Diploma Dermatology Cosmetology Academy of Dermatology Acupuncture (Diploma A) Certified users the DGBT Special additional priorities : Laser Medicine Skin cancer Pediatric dermatology Aesthetic Medicine Wrinkle smoothing / Hautverjngung Dermatologic surgery Psoriasis Vitiligo Member of the following societies : German Dermatological Society of Laser German Dermatological Society European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology European Society for Laser Dermatology German rztegesellschaft for Acupuncture Central Association of Naturopathic Physicians fr ( rzteverband German Allergists Professional Association of Dermatologists Germany Association of Dermatologic Oncology German Cancer Society Network interdisciplinary pediatric dermatology eV German Society for Aesthetic Botulinimtoxin therapy International Society for Dermatologic Surgery International Dermoscopy SocietyPsoriasis-practice network Sdwest eV
Dr Sarah Graves - Doctor at Hautzentrum

Dr Sarah Graves

Job Title:
Studied medicine in Tbingen, Berlin (Charite) and Switzerland Thesis via a surgical procedure in scoliosis Dermatologic training at the Universittshautklinik Dusseldorf and the Department of Dermatology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich Since 01.01.2012 in the Hautarzt-, vein and laser Dres. Dietrich, Grimme and colleagues Since 1/2013 Fachrztin for Skin and Venereal Diseases Member of the German Society of Dermatology Special skills: Hair Diseases Skin Cancer / Dermatooncology Hyperhidrosis Ichthyosis / genodermatoses
Show Phone Number

King-Charles-street 28, Stuttgart, 70372Germany