See all Plastic Surgery Clinics in Schwerte

AestheticaMed - Schwerte

AestheticaMed - Schwerte

Show Phone Number

Bethunestraße 15, Schwerte, 58239Germany

from 4 users
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Opening hours

Monday07:30 - 11:30 | 14:00 - 18:00
Tuesday07:30 - 11:30 | 14:45 - 18:00
Wednesday07:30 - 11:30
Thursday07:30 - 11:30 | 14:00 - 18:00
Friday07:30 - 11:30
Prices from 50 € - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Plastic Surgery Clinic - Bethunestraße 15, Schwerte, 58239, Germany. Staff: Dr Georg Papathanassiou, Miss Tina Papathanassiou, Miss Carmen Korte.

Popular Treatments

Plastic Surgeon Consultation


Liposuction Hips from 2000 €
Liposuction buttocks (Po) from 3500 €
Liposuction knee inside from 1200 €
Liposuction upper arms from 1800 €
Liposuction neck from 1200 €
Liposuction upper or lower abdomen from 2000 €
Liposuction Breeches from 2500 €
Liposuction inner thighs from 1800 €
Liposuction - Hips from 2000 €
See all treatments & prices

About AestheticaMed - Schwerte

For more information about AestheticaMed - Schwerte in Schwerte please contact the clinic.
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Plastic Surgery

Eyelid Surgery
from 1300 €

Upper eyelid surgery or drooping eyelids

from 1800 €

Lower Eyelid surgery

from 1800 €

Lower eyelid or eye bags

from 1800 €

Sweat gland

from 2200 €

Gynecomastia (men)

from 2000 €

Liposuction - Hips

from 3500 €

Liposuction - Buttocks

from 1200 €

Liposuction - Knee

from 1800 €

Liposuction - Upper Arms

from 2000 €

Liposuction - Upper or Lower Abdomen

from 2900 €

Liposuction - Upper and Lower Abdomen

from 2500 €

Liposuction Breeches

from 1800 €

Liposuction - Inner Thighs

from 2000 €

Liposuction Hips

from 3500 €

Liposuction buttocks (Po)

from 1200 €

Liposuction knee inside

from 1800 €

Liposuction upper arms

from 1200 €

Liposuction neck

from 2000 €

Liposuction upper or lower abdomen

from 2500 €

Liposuction Breeches

from 1800 €

Liposuction inner thighs

from 1200 €

Neck Liposuction


Plastic Surgeon Consultation

Medical Aesthetics

from 50 €

Fruit acid peels

from 200 €

Wrinkle injections with hyaluronic acid

from 1800 €


Laser Hair Removal
from 60 €

Upper lip

from 60 €

Laser Hair Removal - Out

from 80 €

Upper lip and chin

from 120 €

Armpits bds

from 120 €

Bikini Zone

from 60 €


from 80 €

Laser couperose (cheek / nose) per Region

from 80 €

Laser von Couperose

from 200 €

Lip Augmentation

Treatment for Wrinkles
from 200 €

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

from 120 €

Wrinkle Treatment

Beauty Salon Treatments

from 50 €

Fruit Acid Peels per session

AestheticaMed - Schwerte - Bethunestraße 15, Schwerte, 58239,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Georg Papathanassiou - Surgeon at AestheticaMed - Schwerte

Dr Georg Papathanassiou

Job Title:
Since 1995 I run the Specialist in Dermatology and Venereology. My education after graduation was made to the University Skin Clinic in Münster. In addition to my additional designations Allergology, naturopathy, Environmental Medicine and Phlebology, I am working with a focus on skin cancer, pediatric dermatology and aesthetic laser surgical medicine. In 1996, I opened my office in swords and this extended to the first licensed private clinic for cosmetic surgery in 2004 sword. A beauty clinic in the heart of Westphalia. In addition I am a member of the following companies: DDG-Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft DDL -Deutsche Dermatologische Lasergesellschaft BVDD – Berufsverband der deutschen Dermatologen BVDL – Berufsverband der Lymphologen GÄCD- Gesellschaft für ästhetische Chirurgie Deutschland DGBT-Deutsche Gesellschaft für ästhetische Botulinuma-Toxin-Therapie ADK-Arbeitsgemeinschaft für ästhetische Dermatologie und Kosmetologie DGDA-Deutsche Gesellschaft für Dermatochirurgie und Ästhetik DGP- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Phlebologie ESAAM-European Society of Anti-Aging Medicin European Academie of Cosmetic Surgery DGEM-Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährungsmedizin ZAEN-Zentralverband der Ärzte für Naturheilverfahren
Miss Tina Papathanassiou -  at AestheticaMed - Schwerte

Miss Tina Papathanassiou

The wife of Dr. Papathanassiou is a trained physical therapist, esthetician and naturopath. In addition to these activities, she takes care of the internal practice organization and coordination including the PR work. As a budding doctor you is currently in medical school.
Miss Carmen Korte -  at AestheticaMed - Schwerte

Miss Carmen Korte

Our experienced professional staff is the guiding force and "good soul" of the practice. It ensures a smooth flow of procedures in the operating room, monitoring the hygiene and instrument preparation and assisting with duplex ultrasound examinations. With great overview organizing the consultation and directs our patients with advice and support through practice.
Show Phone Number

Bethunestraße 15, Schwerte, 58239Germany

  1. Europe
  2. Germany
  3. Plastic Surgeons Schwerte