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Plastische Chirurgie Köln am Rhein

Plastische Chirurgie Köln am Rhein

Show Phone Number

Schillingsrotter Str. 39-41, Köln, 50996Germany

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Opening hours

Please contact clinic for their opening hours
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Plastic Surgery Clinic - Schillingsrotter Str. 39-41, Köln, 50996, Germany. Staff: Dr Miriam Koeller Bratz.

Popular Treatments

Breast Implants

Breast Augmentation
Corrections of malformations


Mommy Makeover Liposuction
Body Contouring

Tummy Tuck

Abdominal Wall Mommy Makeover
Tummy Tuck
Eyelid surgery
Breast Reduction
See all treatments & prices

About Plastische Chirurgie Köln am Rhein

For more information about Plastische Chirurgie Köln am Rhein in Köln please contact the clinic.
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Plastic Surgery


Arm surgery


Body Lift

Breast Implants

Breast Augmentation


Corrections of malformations


Breast Lift


Breast Reconstruction or nipples


Breast Reduction


Brow Lift


Buttocks Lift


Eyelid surgery






Labia reduction


Body Contouring


Mommy Makeover Liposuction




Mommy Makeover


Neck tightening


Ear corrections



Tummy Tuck

Abdominal Wall Mommy Makeover


Tummy Tuck

Medical Aesthetics


Hyaluronic acid

Chin Filler

Chin corrections


Double chin correction


Lip Augmentation


Removal of spider veins

Treatment for Wrinkles



Wrinkle treatment for a smooth face


Treatment for Wrinkles

Hair Loss Treatments


Hair Transplantation

Plastische Chirurgie Köln am Rhein - Schillingsrotter Str. 39-41, Köln, 50996,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Miriam Koeller Bratz - Chief Executive at Plastische Chirurgie Köln am Rhein

Dr Miriam Koeller Bratz

Job Title:
  Chief Executive
Completed in Germany and graduated. In South America worked for the organization Interplast and led reconstruction of the face and body through in children after accidents and burns. The joy of these children confirmed my decision for Plastic Surgery and has always been, would like to increase the recognition of Plastic Surgeons in Germany. In 2009 took a position as a senior physician with representation of the head physician at the Emil-von-Behring Hospital Berlin. It took place here specializing in plastic surgery of the breast and face aesthetic and reconstructive considerations.
Show Phone Number

Schillingsrotter Str. 39-41, Köln, 50996Germany

  1. Europe
  2. Germany
  3. Plastic Surgeons Köln