Dr Thomas Benhaïm is a Board certified Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic surgeon. He is member of French Medical Association ( n°4543)
Dr Benhaïm’s plastic surgery office in Chantilly ( Oise) is designed for your comfort.
During consultation, you can expect that Dr Benhaim will listen to your goals, answer your questions and propose options for improving your appearance according to your wishes and thanks to the latest technique in plastic surgery and rejuvenation.
Plastic surgery procedures are performed in « Hôpital Privé de Chantilly-Les Jockeys » (Oise) and « Clinique Conti »in L’Isle Adam. Both clinic are very close to Paris Eiffel Tower(20 min by train)
Because each of us is unique, Dr Benhaïm will guide you through a personalized therapeutic approach, taking into account your wishes and your body type.
A Board Certified plastic surgeon is the most qualified and most highly-trained medical professional to help you understand your alternatives. With the help of Dr Benhaïm, you may decide to refine your figure with a touch of liposuction ; you may select a bit of filler to refresh your facial appearance. You may elect multiple surgical procedures at once for a more comprehensive rejuvenation, and you can feel confident that Dr Benhaim has the credentials and experience to safely deliver the results you desire especially in face surgery, postbariatric surgery, body contouring surgery and non surgical rejuvenation(aesthetic medicine).
Surgical Qualifications and Societies :
Member of French Society for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
Member of French College in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
Member of French Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
DESC Diploma in Plastic, Reconstructrive and Aesthetic surgery
DU (Universitary Diploma) of Microsurgery
Former Fellow in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic surgery