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Docteur Yaël Berdah et Docteur Marc-David Benjoar

Docteur Yaël Berdah et Docteur Marc-David Benjoar

Show Phone Number

19-21 Avenue Eylau, Paris, 75116France

from 46 users
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Opening hours

Monday09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday09:00 - 18:00
Thursday09:00 - 18:00
Friday09:00 - 18:00
Saturday09:00 - 13:00
Prices from 40 € - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Good ServiceScore™ 6.4 from 46 votes ★ Visit our Plastic Surgery Clinic - 19-21 Avenue Eylau, Paris, 75116, France.

Popular Treatments

Plastic Surgeon Consultation from 100 €
Breast Implants 3800 € - 6500 €
Liposuction 2500 € - 5000 €
Rhinoplasty 3800 € - 9000 €
Tummy Tuck 4500 € - 8000 €


Gynecomastia 3000 € - 5000 €
Fixed a Funnel Chest by CAD Cam 5000 € - 7000 €
Breast Reduction 5000 € - 8000 €
Fat Transfer 4500 € - 7000 €
Facelift 5500 € - 10000 €
See all treatments & prices

About Docteur Yaël Berdah et Docteur Marc-David Benjoar

Making the plastic surgery experience of patients pleasant and comfortable is the main focus of the team of highly trained and experienced plastic surgeons who consults from this clinic located at Avenue d'Eylau in Paris, France. Surgical and nonsurgical procedures of a high standard are performed by the team. The comfort and safety of patients is the primary concern of the surgeons while performing procedures. Services include the surgical reshaping or augmentation of facial features and breasts, breast reconstruction surgery, surgical body sculpting procedures, laser hair removal, the administration of anti-aging facial injectables and nonsurgical body sculpting procedures.

Présentation du cabinet de chirurgie esthétique Plasticiens Paris
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Patient reviews

See what others think about the clinic's customer service:

Hanan, Kuwait25.07.2015
They are so helpful, thanks.


  • ANAES - Agence Nationale d’Accréditation et d’Evaluation en Santé (France) 
  • SOFCPRE - Société Française de Chirurgie, Plastique, Reconstructrice et Esthétique (France) 
  • AAPS - American Association of Plastic Surgeons  (US) 


Parking - Parking Belles Feuilles 35 rue Saint Didier 75116 Paris Accessible to disabled peoplePublic transport access - Metro TrocadéroAccess without stepsPatient bathroomWireless access

Clinic services

Text message remindersOpen weekends

Travel services

International travelLocal travelLocal accommodationTranslation servicesLocal guideTours and vacation servicesPick up service from hotelPick up service from airport

Languages spoken


Plastic Surgery

3500 € - 5000 €

Arm Lift

8000 € - 12000 €

Body Lift

5000 € - 8000 €

Breast Implant Revision

Breast Implant Revision - Docteur Yaël Berdah et Docteur Marc-David BenjoarBreast Implant Revision - Docteur Yaël Berdah et Docteur Marc-David Benjoar
We perform breast implant revision in order to treat malposition, capsular contracture or rupture. In difficult cases, we perform a full capsulectomy (removal of the implant surrounding tissues) in order to restart from scratch and usually use Polytech

 polyurethane foam covered implants

3800 € - 6500 €

Breast Implants

Breast Implants - Docteur Yaël Berdah et Docteur Marc-David BenjoarBreast Implants - Docteur Yaël Berdah et Docteur Marc-David Benjoar
We perform breast implants surgery mostly in an out-patient basis. We manage to offer a pain free surgery in order to obtain a quick recovery. We only use Mentor Siltex Round Implants or Polyurethan foam covered Polytech anatomical (tear drop) implants. We use the best incision related to your cases, including armpit incision under endoscopic (video camera) control.
4500 € - 7000 €

Breast Lift

5000 € - 18000 €

Breast Reconstruction

5000 € - 8000 €

Breast Reduction

3500 € - 5000 €

Brow Lift

5000 € - 8000 €

Butt Implants

5000 € - 7000 €

Butt Lift

5000 € - 7000 €

Calf Implants

4000 € - 6000 €

Cheek Implants

4000 € - 5000 €

Chin Implant



5500 € - 10000 €


4500 € - 6000 €

Endoscopic Facelift

4500 € - 5500 €

Mini Facelift

4500 € - 7000 €

Fat Transfer

3000 € - 5000 €


5000 € - 7000 €

Fixed a Funnel Chest by CAD Cam

from 1500 €


800 € - 1600 €

Inverted Nipple Surgery

2000 € - 3000 €


2500 € - 5000 €


4500 € - 5500 €

Neck Lift

2000 € - 3000 €


5000 € - 7000 €

Pectoral Implants

from 100 €

Plastic Surgeon Consultation

3800 € - 9000 €


2500 € - 4500 €


3500 € - 5000 €

Closed Rhinoplasty

3500 € - 5000 €

Nasal Tip Surgery

5000 € - 9000 €

Open Rhinoplasty

from 4000 €

Thigh Lift

4500 € - 8000 €

Tummy Tuck

5500 € - 7000 €

Full Abdominoplasty

5500 € - 7000 €


3600 € - 4600 €

Mini Abdominoplasty

Medical Aesthetics

150 € - 600 €

Chemical Peel

300 € - 1200 €

Dermal Fillers

1800 € - 3000 €

Fat filler

800 € - 3000 €

Excessive sweating treatment

40 € - 300 €

Laser Hair Removal


Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation

500 € - 1500 €

Mole Removal

500 € - 3000 €

Scar Removal

2000 € - 4000 €

Silhouette Lift™

Treatment for Wrinkles
400 € - 1000 €

Treatment for Wrinkles

250 € - 400 €

Wrinkle Treatment

Hair Loss Treatments

from 4500 €

FUE - Follicular Unit Extraction

Docteur Yaël Berdah et Docteur Marc-David Benjoar - 19-21 Avenue Eylau, Paris, 75116,

Payment information

Payment plansCredit cards


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Yael Berdah - Surgeon at Docteur Yaël Berdah et Docteur Marc-David Benjoar

Dr Yael Berdah

Job Title:
  Aesthetic Medicine, Plastic and Reconstuctive Surgery
  English, French
MD graduate of DESC of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. She completed her training in C hirurgie Aesthetic Plastic in the department of Professor Jean-Marie Servant to the hospital Saint Louis. I then served two years in André Gregory Hospital in a service specialized in cosmetic surgery. Doctor of Medicine . Graduate Diploma of complementary specialized studies (ESCR) of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. It is the only French diploma allowing the practice of plastic and cosmetic surgery for surgeons trained since 1986. A graduate of the University of Paris VII and Internal Former Assistant Plastic Surgery Hospitals of Paris. Diploma of College Plastic Surgery French. University Diploma in Microsurgery. University Diploma Anatomy applied to plastic surgery. University Diploma in Anatomy Neck-Facial. Diploma Inter University of Hand Surgery.
Marc David Benjoar - Surgeon at Docteur Yaël Berdah et Docteur Marc-David Benjoar

Marc David Benjoar

Job Title:
He completed his training in plastic and cosmetic surgery in the department of Professor Laurent Lantieri to Henri Mondor Hospital, transferred to the European Hospital Georges Pompidou in January 2012. He then worked in the service as a surgeon Graduate full time and I was able to participate in the realization of 7 face transplants. Doctor of Medicine. Graduate Diploma of complementary specialized studies (ESCR) of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. It is the only French diploma allowing the practice of plastic and cosmetic surgery for surgeons trained since 1986. Member of the Association of Physicians of Paris. Former Head of Clinic Assistant Hospitals . Practitioner Attaché at the Georges Pompidou European Hospital. Member of the French College of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic. Teacher at University Diploma in endoscopic techniques in plastic surgery. Competition boarding, Valedictorian surgery Paris . Gold Medal surgery hospitals in Paris. Winner of The Dentu-Renon of the National Academy of Surgery. Winner of the James Barrett Brown prices of the American Association of Plastic Surgeons (AAPS). Master M2 Surgical Sciences. Inter-University Diploma in Anatomy applied to plastic surgery . Inter-University Diploma in Hand Surgery . University degree of microsurgical techniques.

Miss Jennyfer Glenac

Job Title:
  English, French
Show Phone Number

19-21 Avenue Eylau, Paris, 75116France