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Das Haus der Schönheit

Das Haus der Schönheit

Show Phone Number

Alpenstrasse 39, Salzburg, A5020Austria

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Opening hours

Please contact clinic for their opening hours
Prices from € 12 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Plastic Surgery Clinic - Alpenstrasse 39, Salzburg, A5020, Austria. Staff: Dr Jörg Dabernig, Dr Werner Dabernig, Dr Ilse Gradwohl-Matis.

Popular Treatments

Plastic Surgeon Consultation

Intimal Surgery from € 2700
Plastic Surgeon Consultation

Breast Implants

With round implants from € 4900
Breast Implants with anatomical implants from € 4900


Liposuction from € 3500
Liposuction for Breast Reduction from € 3500


Nasal tip correctio from € 3800
Nasal correction from € 5200

Tummy Tuck

Lower Abdominoplasty from € 4500
Large Abdominoplasty from € 6500
See all treatments & prices

About Das Haus der Schönheit

For more information about Das Haus der Schönheit in Salzburg please contact the clinic.
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Plastic Surgery

Breast Implants
from € 4900

With round implants

from € 4900

Breast Implants with anatomical implants

Breast Lift
from € 5500

Breast Lift

from € 7500

Breast Lift with Enlargement

from € 2300

Eyelid Tightening

from € 6500

Facial lifting

from € 3900

Breast Enlargement with own fat

from € 3500


from € 3500

Liposuction for Breast Reduction

from € 2700

Liposuction on the neck

Neck Lift
from € 4800

Neck Tightening

from € 8500

Facial necklifting

from € 2400

Ear Correction

Plastic Surgeon Consultation

Plastic Surgeon Consultation

from € 2700

Intimal Surgery

from € 3800

Nasal tip correctio

from € 5200

Nasal correction

Tummy Tuck
from € 4500

Lower Abdominoplasty

from € 6500

Large Abdominoplasty

Medical Aesthetics

from € 490


Dermal Fillers
from € 400

Hyaluron treatment

from € 950

Lip Wrinkles Remove

from € 150

Medical treatment with the CO2 laser

Laser Hair Removal
from € 90

Laser Hair Removal Upper lip

from € 90

Laser Hair Removal chin

from € 130

Laser Hair Removal face

from € 130

Laser Hair Removal Armpits

from € 140

Laser Hair Removal Underarms

from € 140

Laser Hair Removal Upper arms

from € 130

Laser Hair Removal Bikinizone

from € 220

Laser Hair Removal Thighs

from € 180

Laser Hair Removal Lower leg

from € 180

Laser Hair Removal belly

from € 210

Laser Hair Removal chest


Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation

from € 190

Micro Needling Face

Permanent Makeup
from € 600

Eyelash curb reinforcement up and down (1 hour)

from € 360

Eyelash thicken

from € 600

Eyelashes condensate and eyeliner

from € 420

Eyeliner (eyeliner) on top (1 hour)

from € 320

Eyelid down

from € 600

Eyelid down and up

from € 720

Lip contour without shading

from € 90


Treatment for Wrinkles
from € 200

Treatment for Wrinkles on the Forehead

from € 300

Treatment for Wrinkles against Crowfoot

from € 450

Upper facial ski

from € 1600

Lower face of the face

from € 1300

Ultherapy Neck

from € 800

Ultherapy Cleavage

from € 2000

Ultherapy Full Face

Beauty Salon Treatments


Beauty Salon Enquiry


Body Treatment


Hand Rejuvenation

Eyelash Extensions
from € 180

Eyelashes new

from € 50

Eyelashes Refill

from € 69

Classic Facials (1 hour)

from € 39

Manicure Classic (45 mins)

from € 45

Manicure Wellness (1 hour)

from € 40

Legs up to the knee

from € 55

Legs completely

from € 25


from € 25

Waxing Armpit

from € 28

Waxing poor

from € 30

Waxing Chest or belly

from € 12

Waxing Upper lip

from € 12

Waxing Eyebrow

from € 22

Waxing face

from € 22

Waxing Upper lip and chin

Das Haus der Schönheit - Alpenstrasse 39, Salzburg, A5020,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Jörg Dabernig -  at Das Haus der Schönheit

Dr Jörg Dabernig

In Graz, he began to study architecture and medicine. During his studies, he switched to Innsbruck, the University Clinic for Plastic Surgery, for scientific activities. He finished his studies and obtained his doctorate.
Dr Werner Dabernig -  at Das Haus der Schönheit

Dr Werner Dabernig

He is a specialist in general and visceral surgery, a specialist in vascular surgery and as a general practitioner, he is currently a senior physician for vascular surgery and endovascular surgery at Univ. Clinic Salzburg (Paracelsus Medical Private University, LKH Salzburg, SALK).
Dr Ilse Gradwohl-Matis -  at Das Haus der Schönheit

Dr Ilse Gradwohl-Matis

Since the foundation she is an anesthetist in the House of Beauty. Through her knowledge as an anesthetist, she makes the Ultherapy a relaxed, pain-free experience! After completing her medical studies in Vienna, she started her career as an anesthetist in the AKH Vienna.
Show Phone Number

Alpenstrasse 39, Salzburg, A5020Austria

  1. Europe
  2. Austria
  3. Plastic Surgeons Salzburg