Chemical Peel Massagno

All 4 Chemical Peel Clinics in Massagno

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Chemical Peel prices from chf 111 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 4 Chemical Peel Clinics in Massagno

from 71 users
LaCLINIQUE of Switzerland - Lugano - Plastic Surgery Clinic in SwitzerlandFeatured

LaCLINIQUE of Switzerland - Lugano

Piazza Dante 7, Lugano, 6900
5.0 from 1 verified review
They are serious and competent professionalsGianna, Switzerland, 22 09 23

I am familiar with their centres in Switzerland. I have done multiple treatments and in particular the Thermage which I do every two years and it keeps the skin tight and firm. They are serious and competent professionals.

Chemical Peel  
Light Chemical Peel  
No score yet
Diopside Swiss Med&Spa - Private SPA

Diopside Swiss Med&Spa

Riva lago Olivella 27/a, Vico Morcote, 6925
Diopside Swiss Med&Spa is a MedSpa medical-aesthetic with a strong antiaging clinic setting, aimed at the well being of the skin, skin and body appendages. Diopside Med&Spa specializes in the prevention and treatment of symptoms, mild or challenging, related to the epidermis and dermis, whether medical-aesthetic aesthetic issues such as acne or skin vasculature, remedial needs of fillers, Vistabex, or rejuvenation, or borderline cases such as real skin diseases, body contouring (body contouring linked to fat, cellulite and / or skin tightening), diseases related to hair loss, balance changes and hormonal assays (men/women, burn out, erectile dysfunction etc.), aesthetic basic and advanced under medical supervision. They are proposed: combined cosmetic medicine treatment protocols "one-shot", characterized by a chemical and mechanical intervention (combined use of fillers, Vistabex or collagen and wires of bio revitalization or traction in PDO), executable in a maximum of 48 hours, and with limited or absent rehabilitating post-treatment;DNAge, DNA analysis that targets the biological processes that cause Aging Skin (skin ageing); according to the genetic reports are prepared on the basis of custom cosmeceuticals genetic ultracustomizzata for a cure.DNADiet, DNA analysis, which analyzes some variations found in the genes involved in the metabolism of food and which play an important role in determining the body's health as:CONSUMPTION OF FATS, GLUCOSE AND LIP
Chemical Peel CHF 110 - CHF 130
Deep Chemical Peel CHF 100 - CHF 150
No score yet
Aesthemed - Medical Aesthetics Clinic in Switzerland


Via Nassa 54, Lugano, 6900
For more information about Aesthemed in Massagno please contact the clinic.
Chemical Peel  
Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation  
Treatment for Wrinkles  
2 more treatments
No score yet
Swiss Pro Age - Medical Aesthetics Clinic in Switzerland

Swiss Pro Age

Viale dei Faggi 20, Lugano, 6900
For more information about Swiss Pro Age in Massagno please contact the clinic.
Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation  
15 more treatments
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