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NuCare Clinics

NuCare Clinics

Show Phone Number

72 Maunu Road, Woodhill, Whangarei, 0110New Zealand

Very Good
from 1 user
Filters cached at 2025/01/20 07:46:45

Opening hours

Tuesday10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday11:00 - 19:00
Thursday11:00 - 19:00
Friday11:00 - 19:00
Saturday09:00 - 14:00
Sunday10:00 - 14:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Very Good ServiceScore™ 7.7 from 1 votes ★ 1 verified patient review. Visit our Medical Aesthetics Clinic - 72 Maunu Road, Woodhill, Whangarei, 0110, New Zealand.

Popular Treatments

Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation
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About NuCare Clinics

For more information about NuCare Clinics in Whangarei please contact the clinic.
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Patient reviews

5.0 from 1 verified review
From, New Zealand
( Review verified by phone)

I am very grateful and happy

5 50 Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation • Paid: $165

Total relief from my pain of Osteoarthritis in my left knee.

I have been suffering for almost 2 years with constant sharp knee pain. Sometimes I really struggle to walk due to the pain. The pain relief I am currently taking does not mask the pain at all and I am reluctant to take stronger pain relief due to addictive qualities.

I went to NuCare Clinic for Shock wave treatment, also known as Acoustic wave therapy and discussed the treatment with them. They were very helpful and answered all my questions.

I felt relief the first day after treatment. I have had a series of 5 treatments which has certainly helped the stabbing pain that I used to feel as it is almost down to zero pain now.

I am very grateful and happy that I went to NuCare Clinic for the Shock wave which is reasonable priced.

Nucare Clinic offers both the Shock Wave and a Low-Level Laser Treatment after the shock wave. I chose to do both treatments. The treatment price is for both therapies. The Low-Level Laser was a restful treatment after the shock wave as the action penetrates right into my knee tissue.

I will definitely recommend that you contact NuCare Clinic for Shock Wave therapy (or Acoustic Wave) as it has been so beneficial for relief from pain.

Anonymous, New Zealand
(We were unable to verify the reviewer)

The place is clean and the staff are friendly

Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation

I recently underwent Acoustic Wave Therapy for along standing shoulder problem, which causes searing pain along my shoulder blade.

The procedure is fast and only takes a few minutes. There is some discomfort involved but this subsides as soon as the shockwave is turned off. What I found really interesting was that the discomfort only occurred when the shockwave was applied to the trouble spot. This allowed the person treating me to focus on the area that was causing the most pain.

After 2 rounds of treatment I can certainly feel a big improvement. The frequency and severity of the pain is very much reduced. I've tried several other treatments before this which have failed to improve things. Acoustic wave therapy has been the only thing that has given me any improvement.

The clinic is easy to find and being out of the city centre means it's easy to find parking close by. The place is clean and the staff are friendly. I was treated by the owner who was very enthusiastic and knowledgable about the procedure. She took time to give me a full explanation of how the shockwave works.

Over all and excellent experience.

Medical Aesthetics


Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation

NuCare Clinics - 72 Maunu Road, Woodhill, Whangarei, 0110,

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Private Patients Welcome

Ms Desiree Mulders

Show Phone Number

72 Maunu Road, Woodhill, Whangarei, 0110New Zealand