See all Medical Aesthetics Clinics in Milan

MCE Italia S.r.l. - Milano

MCE Italia S.r.l. - Milano

Show Phone Number

Galleria del Corso, 4, Milano, 20121Italy

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Opening hours

Monday09:00 - 18:30
Tuesday09:00 - 18:30
Wednesday09:00 - 18:30
Thursday09:00 - 18:30
Friday09:00 - 18:30
Saturday09:00 - 18:30
Prices from 1600 € - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Multi-specialty clinic - Galleria del Corso, 4, Milano, 20121, Italy. Staff: Dr Angelo Serraglio.

Popular Treatments

Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation
Treatment for Wrinkles
Dermal Fillers

Laser Lipolysis

Laser Lipolysis - Double Chin from 1600 €
Laser Lipolysis - Addome from 1800 €
Laser Lipolysis - Braccia from 1600 €
Laser Lipolysis - Cosco from 1800 €
Laser Lipolysis - Cosco External from 1800 €
Laser Lipolysis - Glutei from 1600 €
See all treatments & prices

About MCE Italia S.r.l. - Milano

For more information about MCE Italia S.r.l. - Milano in Milan please contact the clinic.
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  • SICPRE - Società Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva ed Estetica (Italy) 

Medical Aesthetics


Dermal Fillers



Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment

Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment - Acne Scars


Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment - The facial wrinkles


Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment - Skin blemishes (sunspots or senile)


Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment - Lentigo solari

Laser Lipolysis
from 1600 €

Laser Lipolysis - Double Chin

from 1800 €

Laser Lipolysis - Addome

from 1600 €

Laser Lipolysis - Braccia

from 1800 €

Laser Lipolysis - Cosco

from 1800 €

Laser Lipolysis - Cosco External

from 1600 €

Laser Lipolysis - Glutei

from 1800 €

Laser Lipolysis - Ankles and Calves

from 1600 €

Laser Lipolysis - Schiena

from 1800 €

Laser Lipolysis - Fianchi

from 1800 €

Laser Lipolysis - Ginecomastia

from 1600 €

Laser Lipolysis - Ginocchia


Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation


Treatment for Wrinkles

Plastic Surgery


Breast Augmentation


Breast Lift


Breast Reduction


Eyelid surgery


Blepharoplasty - Upper


Blepharoplasty - Lower


Plastic Surgeon Consultation

Hair Loss Treatments


Hair Loss Specialist Consultation


Hair Transplant


HRI - Hair Regrowth Injections

Beauty Salon Treatments


Beauty Salon Enquiry

MCE Italia S.r.l. - Milano - Galleria del Corso, 4, Milano, 20121,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Angelo Serraglio - Doctor at MCE Italia S.r.l. - Milano

Dr Angelo Serraglio

Job Title:
He earned the title of Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Pavia in 1981, after specializing in Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy, continued his studies with a Masters in Aesthetic Surgery Morphodynamics at the University of Milan and graduated in laser surgery at Dermatological University Gemelli in Rome; It is registered in the Register of Doctors of Bergamo n. 3208. He stands out immediately for the skill in the use of the most advanced machinery available to the Aesthetic Medicine and, after years of research, patented in 2003 a new liposuction technique: The proven twenty years of experience, makes him becoming Professor at SMIEM (School of Medicine for Aesthetic Di Milano) and at the ACADEMY SCHOOL oF PRACTICAL AESTHETIC MEDICINE oF MILAN ( ASPEM ), getting a big following from the Doctors of the new generazione.Da several years engaged in Research , it is now a national vice president of the foundation and of the scientific committee of 'ARMR (Research Association for Rare diseases). His career began in Bergamasco territory over twenty years ago, is expanding throughout the national territory at the side of the Andaloro Doctor, with which, in addition to managing various outpatient facilities and collaborations over much of the Italian territory, he founded in 2010 MCEITALIA , a company that takes care of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery at 360 degrees, which, despite being born recently, has played with big polyclinics in BERGAMO centers, OSIO SOTTO (BG), TIRANO, MILAN, ROME, CATANIA and SARONNO . Associate member SICPRE (Italian Society Of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Reconstructive) and ASSECE (European Aesthetic Surgery Society), continued his bright career with the same philosophy that always accompanies him: passion, dedication and utmost respect for their patients. A great example for tomorrow's Doctors
Show Phone Number

Galleria del Corso, 4, Milano, 20121Italy