Mr Almond Wibowo
Job Title:
Doctor Biography:
Master of Anti Aging Specialized in Filler- Injector & Trainer, since 2012 __ Dr.Almond started his career in medical aesthetics by taking a course Cosmetic and Dermatology Course in St.Lukes, Philippines. And completed his anti-aging master's degree (S2) at Udhayana University, Denpasar. In his seven years of practice, dr.Almond has experience working in several aesthetic clinics namely Bali Aesthetic and Skin Center (BASC), Miracle Aesthetic Clinic, and Together with his colleagues, establishing Skin Acts (Tangerang) and Eclat Clinique (Jakarta). Various skills have been obtained in the field of aesthetics such as laser (Qswitch NDYag, LP Ndyag, Erbium Laser, CO2, Diode), Emax, Ematrix, Thermage, Ulthera, Silhouette, Aphtos. Working in the field of aesthetics bring Dr.Almond to the specialty areas of Filler As a trainer, Dr..Almond understands the anatomy of facial structure, and has deep knowledge in the field of Filler, and has dedicated his knowledge and skills to hundreds of aesthetic doctors in Indonesia. Faces of patients who have been treated very much in number, ranging from young to old age, women and men, as well as various professions including public figures. Doctors really hope to help better treat the patient's beauty in this PRIVEE clinic.