Gastric Bypass (3 hours)
When we do the Gastric Bypass surgery, Roux en-Y, we want to make a very small pouch out of the upper stomach, to restrict the amount of food which can be eaten. That pouch is separated from the rest of the stomach, which is bypassed, by creating a new pathway into the intestines. This pathway is called a “Roux en-Y” (named after the French surgeon, Dr. Roux, who first described this reconstruction in the 1800’s). The bowel is cut, and reconstructed in a Y configuration, so that two parts of the GI tract can feed into one.
Whether we do the gastric bypass surgery through an incision, or laparoscopically, the basic methods, anatomy, and the results are the same, although the instruments differ. Here’s how we do the gastric bypass surgical procedure laparoscopically