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Kettering Osteopaths

Kettering Osteopaths

Show Phone Number

32, Headlands, Kettering, NN15 7HP, NorthamptonshireUK

from 5 users
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Opening hours

Monday08:45 - 18:00
Tuesday08:45 - 18:00
Wednesday08:45 - 18:00
Thursday08:45 - 18:00
Friday08:45 - 18:00
Prices from £40 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Good ServiceScore™ 6.8 from 5 votes ★ 1 verified patient review. Visit our Osteopathic Clinic - 32, Headlands, Kettering, NN15 7HP, Northamptonshire, UK.

Popular Treatments

Osteopath Consultation from £40
Back Pain Treatment
Spinal Rehabilitation - Neck and Back Injury
Posture Management
Paediatric Osteopathy
Cranial Osteopathy
See all treatments & prices

About Kettering Osteopaths

Osteopathic treatments are performed by registered osteopaths at this clinic located in Kettering in Northamptonshire. The clinic is registered with all major health insurance companies. A diagnosis is formulated on the first visit after a detailed assessment of the problems suffered by the patient is performed. Complaints treated at the clinic include sports injuries, headaches, musculoskeletal pains and injuries, arthritic pains, digestion problems and gynaecological and pregnancy problems. Babies and children are treated using cranial osteopathy techniques to help with colic, insomnia and other disorders generally suffered by infants.

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Patient reviews

5.0 from 1 verified review
Anonymous, UK
( Verified user)

It was a fantastic experience

5 50 Osteopath Consultation

It was fantastic. Natalie (the osteopath) was brilliant. She talked through everything she was going to do to me. I felt totally relaxed.

Fantastic. Everybody was really happy and friendly. Would recommend to everyone.

Treated by: Natalie Britchford


  • BOA - British Osteopathic Association (UK) 
  • GOsC - General Osteopathic Council (UK) 


Parking - On street parking onlyPublic transport access



Cranial Osteopathy

from £40

Osteopath Consultation


Paediatric Osteopathy

General Practice


Chiropodist Consultation

Our specialist podiatrist can assess and treat of lower limb injuries and conditions related to the foot, ankle and gait. The way that you stand, walk or run can be the cause of leg problems and foot pain. By carrying out physical examinations, gait analysis and studying foot pressure Sue can provide specialist diagnosis and treatment where necessary for lower limb issues.



Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Posture Management


Repetitive Strain Injury Treatment


Sciatica Treatment


Shoulder Rehabilitation


Spinal Rehabilitation - Neck and Back Injury

Osteopathy can provide relief from the pain and symptoms of RSI with simple soft tissue stretches, joint mobilisation and specific exercises. We are also able to offer advice on postures and ergonomic arrangements in the office, garden and in the car to minimise the chances of reoccurrences. RSI injuries can respond very well to osteopathy. A treatment plan can be devised to reduce pain, aide recovery and to minimise the chance of the injury reoccurring.


Sports and Occupational Rehabilitation


Sports Injury Rehabilitation - Strapping and Taping


Sports Therapy


Tendonitis Treatment


Tennis Elbow

Massage Therapy


Deep Tissue Massage


Full Body Massage


Hot Stone Massage


Indian Head Massage




Pregnancy Massage


Sports Massage



Back Pain Treatment



Acupuncturist Consultation

Our acupuncturist, Sharmala Bandaranaike is available on Wednesdays and is trained in traditional acupuncture and uses it to treat a wide variety of conditions and illnesses. These may include arthritis, pain, eczema, asthma, migraine, menstrual and digestive disorders. Her approach focuses on improving the overall physical and emotional well being of the patient.

Holistic Health



Hypnotherapy can help with: depression, phobias, panic attacks, stress & anxiety, stutters & twitches, smoking, emotional relationships, lack of self-esteem, lack of self control, tension & frustration, nerves and inhibitions.

Kettering Osteopaths - Jo Clarkson

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Jo Clarkson - Administrator at Kettering Osteopaths

Jo Clarkson

Job Title:
Jo is the principal osteopath at Kettering Osteopaths and has been practising here since 1987. Jo works using primarily structural techniques, such as soft tissue and manipulation. Having chaired the maternity services liaison committee at Kettering General Hospital she has a special interest in pregnant women, as well as all other musculo-skeletal conditions.
Jody Grace - Administrator at Kettering Osteopaths

Jody Grace

Job Title:
Jody grew up in Northamptonshire and returned to practice here after qualifying from the British School of Osteopathy in 2000. He is at Kettering Osteopaths all day on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the morning on Fridays. He also practices at Oundle Osteopaths with Jo Clarkson and John Milborne and is there on Monday and Friday afternoons and all day on Wednesdays.
Alex Hamilton -  at Kettering Osteopaths

Alex Hamilton

Alex graduated from the British School of Osteopathy in 1999. He began work in the Luton and Dunstable area and joined the team here at Kettering soon after.

Alex is happy to treat a wide range of patients and has a broad-based bio-mechanical approach to all musculo-skeletal problems and sports injuries.

Carol Summers -  at Kettering Osteopaths

Carol Summers


Carol qualified from the British School of Osteopathy in 2001 after completing a four year BSc honours degree in osteopathy. She has worked in the Northamptonshire area since, joining our team in 2005.

As well as using a structural approach, Carol also uses cranial and facially orientated techniques, and treats those patients requiring a much more gentle approach, such as the very young and very elderly or fragile patients. 

Natalie Britchford -  at Kettering Osteopaths

Natalie Britchford


Natalie qualified from the British School of Osteopathy in 2008 after completing a four years honours degree in osteopathy, having previously been a professional dancer with the Berlin Ballet. She is a recognised tutor in anatomy and physiology for the Royal Academy of Ballet, and was also awarded the osteopathic technique prize for her year. She is happy to treat all types of mechanical injuries and uses a variety of structural and cranial techniques. She is in the practice Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and also works at the Northampton clinic, and a GP surgery in Bugbrooke.

Barbara McNeilly -  at Kettering Osteopaths

Barbara McNeilly

Barbara works at Kettering Osteopaths on Wednesdays and Fridays. She uses massage therapy to treat a range of conditions and also finds it an ideal way of reducing stress be it physical or emotional.

Barbara’s courses of treatment can be deep soft tissue mobilisations, sports massage, Indian head massage, hot stone massage therapy or a full body relaxation massage.

Nikki Coleman -  at Kettering Osteopaths

Nikki Coleman

Nikki Coleman qualified in massage in 1986. She trained at the London School of Sports Massage and has completed advanced soft tissue courses. Nikki is able to identify and treat soft tissue injuries i.e. strains and sprains as well as general muscular aches and pains.
Nikki has treated semi professional sportsmen, dancers and recreational athletes, as well as teaching sports massage as a module of a BTEC Sports & Exercise Science Diploma.

Being qualified in reflexology since 2002, Nikki uses this alternative therapy to treat a wide range of stress-related conditions. She is fully registered and insured both as a sports and remedial massage therapist, reflexologist, and a lecturer of sports massage.

David Balfe -  at Kettering Osteopaths

David Balfe



Show Phone Number

32, Headlands, Kettering, NN15 7HP, NorthamptonshireUK

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