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Orthopaedics SA - Ashford

Orthopaedics SA - Ashford

Show Phone Number

Ashford Specialist Centre Level 4, 57 Anzac Highway, Ashford, SA, 5035Australia

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Opening hours

Please contact clinic for their opening hours
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Orthopaedic Clinic - Ashford Specialist Centre Level 4, 57 Anzac Highway, Ashford, SA, 5035, Australia. Staff: Dr Philip Brook, Dr Daniel Mandziak, Dr Jonathan Cabot.

Popular Treatments

Paediatric Orthopaedics

Knee Replacement

Knee Replacement
Total Knee Replacement
Unicondylar Knee Replacement
Revision Knee Replacement

Hip Replacement

Total Hip Replacement
Revision Hip Replacement

Orthopedic Spine Surgery

Artificial Disc Replacement
Disc Herniation
See all treatments & prices

About Orthopaedics SA - Ashford

For more information about Orthopaedics SA - Ashford in West Torrens please contact the clinic.
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  • RACS - Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (Australia) 



Elbow Arthroscopy


Golfer’s Elbow


Elbow Sprain


Foot and Ankle Anatomy


Plantar Fasciitis






Ankle Arthroscopy


Ankle Block for Foot Surgery


Ankle Fracture


Achilles Tendon Rupture


Ankle Sprain




Elbow Fracture


Carpal Tunnel Surgery

Hip Replacement

Total Hip Replacement


Revision Hip Replacement

Joint Replacement Surgery

Joint Replacements


Minimally Invasive Joint Replacement


Computer Assisted Hip and Knee Joint Replacment


Knee Arthroscopy

Knee Replacement

Knee Replacement


Total Knee Replacement


Unicondylar Knee Replacement


Revision Knee Replacement


Paediatric Orthopaedics

Orthopedic Spine Surgery



Artificial Disc Replacement


Disc Herniation


Spinal Stenosis


Shoulder Joint Replacement


Spinal Fusion



Tennis Elbow

Orthopaedics SA -  Ashford - Ashford Specialist Centre Level 4, 57 Anzac Highway, Ashford, SA, 5035,

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Private Patients Welcome
Dr Philip Brook - Surgeon at Orthopaedics SA -  Ashford

Dr Philip Brook

Job Title:
MBBS, FRACS (Orth). Adult and Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon. graduated from the University of Adelaide School of Medicine in 1983 and completed his internship at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. He then undertook a further nine years of surgical training, obtaining the Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (Orthopaedic Surgery) in 1994. On completion of this training, Dr Brook was a Senior Orthopaedic Fellow at the Wexham Park Hospital in Slough, U.K., and the Heatherwood Hospital in Ascot, U.K., specialising in joint replacement surgery, reconstructive knee surgery and paediatric orthopaedics, including the treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis. He then worked as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Sheffield and as an Honorary Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopaedics at the Northern General Hospital in Sheffield, U.K., where he gained further experience in limb reconstruction. He reats all orthopaedic problems in both adults and children (excluding adult spinal problems), with a particular interest in hip and knee reconstructive and replacement surgery, gait and its disorders. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, the Australian Orthopaedic Association and the Australian Paediatric Orthopaedic Society.
Dr Daniel Mandziak - Surgeon at Orthopaedics SA -  Ashford

Dr Daniel Mandziak

Job Title:
MBBS, FRACS (Orth). Orthopaedic Surgeon. Specialising in Hip and Knee replacement (including direct anterior hip replacement), revision surgery, computer-assisted surgery, sports surgery and general orthopaedic trauma. He primary goal is to obtain the best possible outcomes and satisfaction for his patients. He has a passion for treating patients using the best available techniques, equipment and evidence-based practices. He constantly strives to remain knowledgable of the medical literature, teach junior colleagues and undertake his own research projects. His special interests include minimally invasive hip replacement, computer-aided hip and knee replacement, complex hip and knee replacement, revision surgery, arthroscopic knee surgery and perioperative pain management. As a visiting orthopaedic specialist at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, Dr Mandziak performs joint replacement and trauma surgery.
Dr Jonathan Cabot - Surgeon at Orthopaedics SA -  Ashford

Dr Jonathan Cabot

Job Title:
MBBS, FRACS Orth. Orthopaedic Surgeon. His special interest is in Sports Injuries and Joint Replacement Surgery. He returned to Adelaide in 2012 after completing 24 months post fellowship training in Sports Medicine (Fowler Kennedy Sports Medicine Clinic) in Ontario Canada and Hip and Knee Replacement Surgery (Royal Bournemouth Hospital) in Bournemouth, UK. He graduated from Adelaide University and completed his Orthopaedic training, obtaining his fellowship with the Royal Australian College of Surgeons (Orthopaedic Surgery) in 2010. he has been appointed Visiting Orthopaedic Specialist at the Flinders Medical Centre and Repatriation General Hospital in South Australia. His private operating is conducted at Memorial Hospital, Ashford Hospital, Flinders Private Hospital and Mount Barker Hospital.
Show Phone Number

Ashford Specialist Centre Level 4, 57 Anzac Highway, Ashford, SA, 5035Australia

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