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3 Chirurgen

3 Chirurgen

Show Phone Number

Monastery Road 34/35, Berlin-Spandau, 13581Germany

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Opening hours

Monday09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday09:00 - 18:00
Thursday09:00 - 18:00
Friday09:00 - 13:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Gastroenterology Clinic - Monastery Road 34/35, Berlin-Spandau, 13581, Germany. Staff: Dr Rolf Peters Eckhard, Dr Gabriele Herrmann-Balizs, Dr Ralph Lorenz.

Popular Treatments

Gastroenterologist Consultation

Hernia Repair

Incisional hernia
Umbilical hernia
See all treatments & prices

About 3 Chirurgen

For more information about 3 Chirurgen in Berlin please contact the clinic.
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Gastroenterologist Consultation

Hernia Repair

Incisional hernia


Umbilical hernia

Medical Aesthetics


Spider Veins Treatment





Dupuytren's Contracture Treatment


Orthopaedist Consultation





Urologist Consultation

3 Chirurgen - Monastery Road 34/35, Berlin-Spandau, 13581,

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Private Patients Welcome
Dr Rolf Peters Eckhard - Doctor at 3 Chirurgen

Dr Rolf Peters Eckhard

Job Title:
1969-1975 Study of Medicine (FU Berlin) 1975-1976 intern in Berlin, license to practice medicine 1976-1982 Assistant doctor at Behring Hospital Berlin-Zehlendorf (Cond .: Prof. Dr. Dohrmann) 1982-1987 Specialist at Behring Hospital Berlin-Zehlendorf (Cond .: Prof. Dr. Konradt) 1987 establishment as a takeover of the practice of Dr. Zohlen, Kloster Straße 33, 13581 Berlin 1997 Move into the monastery road 34/35 Since 01.07.2004 Community practice with Dr. med. Gabriele Herrmann-Balizs Since 01.01.2006 Community practice with Dr. med. Gabriele Herrmann-Balizs and Dr. med. Ralph Lorenz as "3CHIRURGEN" Board certification Surgery 1982 in Berlin Subarea designation Phlebology 1999 in Berlin Member of the following professional associations and professional societies BCD (Professional Association of Coloproctologists Germany) BDC (Professional Association of German Surgeons) Berlin Surgical Society German Society of Surgery Federal Association for ambulatory surgery Areas of Practice: Proctology (center of excellence in planning) Phlebology Pediatric Surgery Hand Surgery
Dr Gabriele Herrmann-Balizs - Doctor at 3 Chirurgen

Dr Gabriele Herrmann-Balizs

Job Title:
1978-1984 Study of Medicine at the Ruhr-University Bochum, at the Hannover Medical School and at the Free University of Berlin 1984-1986 assistant physician time at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich Institute for serology 1986-1989 assistant physician time at the hospital Bremen-Nord (Cond .: Fr. Dr. med. Ingrid Lenz) 1989-1994 assistant physician time at the University Hospital Benjamin Franklin in Berlin-Steglitz (Cond .: Prof. Dr. R. Häring) 1993 PhD in Berlin (magna cum laude) 1993 Board certification Surgery in Berlin 2002 Subdivision Name Sports Medicine in Berlin Since 1999 own office initially in private practice in Berlin-Spandau, since 2004 in community practice with Mr. Rolf Peters-Eckhard med since 01.01.2006 Community practice with Mr. Rolf Peters and Dr. Eckhard. Ralph Lorenz as "3CHIRURGEN" since 2000 training advice in strength training and medical strengthening therapy in Kieser Training Berlin-Spandau . since 2002 Section Officer of the Berlin Medical Association Sport for women's sport in the German Society for Sports Medicine (DGSP). since 2008. Moderator in quality circles KV, topic: "Chronic wounds" Member of the following associations: German Society for Sports Medicine Berliner Sport Medical Association Areas of Practice: Diagnosis and treatment of patients with poorly healing wounds (ulcers, pressure ulcers, postoperative wound treatment) Modern hydro-active wound therapy Home visits in nursing homes Diagnosis and treatment of joint and spine diseases, sports medicine Joint injections (zBHyaluronsäure) sport medical advice Removal of skin lesions and tissue nodes
Dr Ralph Lorenz - Doctor at 3 Chirurgen

Dr Ralph Lorenz

Job Title:
1980-1986 Study of Medicine at the University of Leipzig 1986-1987 Medical Assistant in the Institute of Pathology at St. Georg Hospital Leipzig (cond .: Prof. Dr. Main) 1987-1989 assistant physician at St. Georg Hospital Leipzig (Cond .: Prof. Dr. Hartig), 1990-1994 assistant physician at the City Hospital Braunschweig (Cond .: Prof. Dr. Frank, Prof. Dr. Reilmann, Prof. Dr. Wagner, Dr. Zimmermann) 1994-1995 Assistant doctor at the Duchess Elisabeth home Braunschweig (Cond .: Dr. Huth) 1996-1999 assistant physician at St. Mary's Hospital Lankwitz Berlin (Cond .: PD Dr. Sperling) Doctorate (Dr. med.) 1989's "olfactory - and taste disorders in hormonell- metabolic diseases" (University of Leipzig) Board certification of Surgery 1994 (Lower Saxony) subarea designation Emergency Medicine 1993 (Lower Saxony) since 01.01.2000 own office practice takeover Dr. Johann Schneider Falkenseer Chaussee 35 in Berlin-Spandau since 01.01.2006 Community practice with Mr. Rolf Peters-Eckhard and Dr. Gabriele Herrmann-Balizs as "3CHIRURGEN" Functions in professional associations and professional societies: Since 2001, the training center for Hernia Surgery (since 2005 certified by the Berlin Chamber of Physicians) since 2005 Board member (secretary) of the ANC Berlin (Association of Practising surgeons) of the BNC (Confederation of Settled Surgeons) since 2006 Chairman of the Department of practicing surgeons for the KV-Berlin area in BDC (Association of German Surgeons) since 2006 Board member of the Berlin Document Medical Association since 2007 scientific director and founder of the congress "Berliner Hernientage" since 2009 lecturer at the European Surgical Institute (Norderstedt) since 2009 member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Herniamed GmbH for quality assurance in hernia surgery in Germany = German Hernienregister Since 2010 Center of Excellence - international internship center, international tutor and guest speaker since 2010 Member of the Advisory Board in the EMEA (Europe, Midle East, Africa) since 2010 2. Chairman of the Berlin Regional Association of the Federation of German Surgeons (BDC) since 2011 Vice President of the German Hernia since 2012 Board member (secretary) of the Surgical Association hernia (CAH) of the German Society for General and Visceral Surgery (DGAV) Member of the following professional associations and professional societies: European Hernia Society German Hernia Society (DGH) Vice President German Society for General and Visceral Surgery (DGAV) Board member CAH German Bund surgical Regional representatives of established surgeons for the State of Berlin League of established surgical board member of the ANC Berlin Berlin-Brandenburg Surgical Society Berlin Document Medical Association - Board Member scientific advisory board of Herniamed GmbH - German Hernienregister
Show Phone Number

Monastery Road 34/35, Berlin-Spandau, 13581Germany

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  2. Germany
  3. Gastroenterologists Berlin