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Kiz Kinderwunsch in the Center

Kiz Kinderwunsch in the Center

Show Phone Number

Bayerstraße 3 (6th floor), München, 80335Germany

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Opening hours

Monday08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday08:00 - 16:00
Thursday08:00 - 18:00
Friday08:00 - 13:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Fertility Clinic - Bayerstraße 3 (6th floor), München, 80335, Germany. Staff: Dr Roxana Popovici, Dr Anja Kuhlmann, Helena Angermaier.

Popular Treatments

Fertility Specialist Consultation
IVF - In Vitro Fertilisation
ICSI - Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
IUI - Intrauterine Insemination
Blastocyst Transfer
Freezing of Embryo
Surgical Sperm Retrieval
Testicular Biopsy
See all treatments & prices

About Kiz Kinderwunsch in the Center

For more information about Kiz Kinderwunsch in the Center in Munich please contact the clinic.
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Blastocyst Transfer


Freezing of Embryo


Fertility Specialist Consultation


ICSI - Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection


IUI - Intrauterine Insemination


IVF - In Vitro Fertilisation


Surgical Sperm Retrieval


Testicular Biopsy

Kiz Kinderwunsch in the Center - Bayerstraße 3 (6th floor), München, 80335,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Roxana Popovici -  at Kiz Kinderwunsch in the Center

Dr Roxana Popovici

1989 - 1995 Study of Medicine LMU Munich

from 2000 practical experience in gynecological endocrinology and reproductive medicine

2007 Focus Gynaecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine, University of Heidelberg

2009 - 2011 Senior physician at the Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich

Dr Anja Kuhlmann -  at Kiz Kinderwunsch in the Center

Dr Anja Kuhlmann

1992 - 1999 Studied medicine at the Albert Ludwig University, Freiburg i Breisgau.

2007 - 2010 training at the Center for Reproductive Medicine Drs Bollmann, Brückner, Noss and the hormone center of Munich, Drs Lacher, Pauer, Puchta..

2010 Focus Gynaecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine

Helena Angermaier -  at Kiz Kinderwunsch in the Center

Helena Angermaier

1985 - 1987 Head of Laboratory and embryologist at Dr. Noss, IVF laboratory in the Department of Gynecology at the Hospital Grosshadern, LMU Munich

1993 establishment of a method for cryopreservation of TESE material (Testiculäre sperm extraction) in practice, Drs. Bollmann / Bruckner / Noss

Regular missions abroad (Europe, Middle East) as embryologist, Supervisor and in workshops.

Show Phone Number

Bayerstraße 3 (6th floor), München, 80335Germany