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Fertility Center at Innsbruck Place

Fertility Center at Innsbruck Place

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Hauptstraße 65, Berlin, 12159Germany

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Opening hours

Please contact clinic for their opening hours
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Fertility Clinic - Hauptstraße 65, Berlin, 12159, Germany. Staff: Dr Babette Remberg, Dr Susanne Tewordt-Thyselius, Dr Jutta Sidor.

Popular Treatments

Initial Consultation

IVF - In Vitro Fertilisation

IVF - In Vitro Fertilisation
Assisted Hatching
Artificial Fertilization
Cryopreservation or Fertility Reserve
ICSI - Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
Seed Transmission
Transfer with Embryoglue
Surgical Sperm Retrieval
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About Fertility Center at Innsbruck Place

For more information about Fertility Center at Innsbruck Place in Berlin please contact the clinic.
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Artificial Fertilization




Monitoring Cycle or Hormone Therapy


Cryopreservation or Fertility Reserve


Initial Consultation


SDI Test on Sperm Cells (DNA Fragmentations Test)


Transfer with Embryoglue


ICSI - Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection


Seed Transmission

IVF - In Vitro Fertilisation

IVF - In Vitro Fertilisation


Assisted Hatching


Sperm Selection Process


Surgical Sperm Retrieval


Sperm Recovery Directly from the Testicles (TESE or MESA)

Fertility Center at Innsbruck Place - Hauptstraße 65, Berlin, 12159,

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Private Patients Welcome
Dr Babette Remberg - Doctor at Fertility Center at Innsbruck Place

Dr Babette Remberg

Job Title:
Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics fertility doctor and endocrinologist. Study medicine in Würzburg and Berlin. Residency at the University Hospital Charité Berlin. As an assistant of Prof. Nevinny-Stickel (forefather of gynecological endocrinology) Supervision of studies with a scholarship from the former Schering AG relating to hyperprolactinemia and menstrual disorders. Since 1991, gynecological and endocrinological care and Versorung of patients and couples in the group of Prof. H. Kentenich. From 1995-2000 construction and management of the Infertility Clinic of the Charité, Campus Virchow Klinikum. Scientific papers on the topic: IVF / ICSI in the spontaneous cycle (also known nowadays as so-called "mini-IVF"). Working since 2000 in the outpatient setting. 2002 establishing an IVF center at the Innsbruck court together with Dr. S.Tewordt-Thyselius.
Dr Susanne Tewordt-Thyselius - Doctor at Fertility Center at Innsbruck Place

Dr Susanne Tewordt-Thyselius

Job Title:
Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics fertility doctor and endocrinologist. Medical studies in Hamburg and Erlangen. PhD at the University Hospital Erlangen. While the activity of this Women's Hospital in 1986/87 first experience in reproductive medicine. Even then it was to Prof. Trotnow, one of the pioneers of the German Reproductive Medicine, a department for the implementation of "artificial insemination" emerged. In Erlangen then was also the first German "test tube baby" was born. Subsequent specialist training including at the University Hospital Charité Berlin. Working since 1998 in the care and treatment involuntarily childless couples. Settled in Berlin worked since 2,001th.
Dr Jutta Sidor - Doctor at Fertility Center at Innsbruck Place

Dr Jutta Sidor

Job Title:
Specialist in gynecology and obstetrics. After studying at the University of Münster graduated Dr. Jutta Sidor her residency training at the University Hospital Münster, the Department of Obstetrics of the Charité and at St. Joseph Hospital Berlin. Since 2009 she has been in the field of gynecological endocrinology and reproductive medicine operate and has already completed part of their training focus in another Berlin infertility practice. Since August 2013, it is in our practice continues to focus training and joined our team. Dr. med. Jutta Sidor speaks English, Spanish and Italian.
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Hauptstraße 65, Berlin, 12159Germany

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  3. Fertility Specialists Berlin