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Dr. Atilla Sengor

Dr. Atilla Sengor

Show Phone Number

Ahmet Adnan Saygun Cd 3, Akmerkez Rezidans, Kat 6, Daire 6C-502, Kültür Mahallesi, Kültür mah., Beşiktaş, İstanbul, 34340Turkey

Very Good
from 24 users
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Opening hours

Monday10:30 - 18:45
Tuesday10:30 - 16:00
Wednesday10:30 - 16:00
Thursday10:30 - 16:00
Friday10:30 - 16:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Very Good ServiceScore™ 7.5 from 24 votes ★ Visit our Ear Nose and Throat Clinic - Ahmet Adnan Saygun Cd 3, Akmerkez Rezidans, Kat 6, Daire 6C-502, Kültür Mahallesi, Kültür mah., Beşiktaş, İstanbul, 34340, Turkey.

Popular Treatments

ENT Specialist Consultation
Ear Infection Treatment
Tonsils Adenoids and Appendix
Adenoid Removal
Tonsil Removal
Sinus Surgery
FESS - Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
See all treatments & prices

About Dr. Atilla Sengor

Dr. Atilla Sengors' primary goal is to provide the highest level of patient satisfaction by upholding medical ethics and the physician's code of conduct to protect both physicians' and patients' rights. Due to the fact that medicine continues to develop, in order to accomplish this goal Dr. Sengor continues to participate in both domestic and international medical education programs. In addition, he remains aware of ENT medical technology improvements and strive to always be at the forefront of approved medical developments.

Sialolithiasis-Salivary stone treatment with sialendoscopic pneumatic lithotripsy
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  • TTB - Turkish Medical Association (Turkey) 


Parking - Paid parking at Akmerkez shopping mall is available.Accessible to disabled peoplePublic transport accessWheelchair accessible toiletAccess without stepsPatient bathroomWireless access

Clinic services

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Languages spoken


Ear Nose and Throat


Ear Infection Treatment

Ear Infection Treatment - Dr. Atilla SengorEar Infection Treatment - Dr. Atilla Sengor

Otitis externa or otitis media are painful diseases in either children or adults. They can cause also hearing loss. This kind of ear diseases should be handled meticulously.


Ear Wax Removal




ENT Specialist Consultation


Salivary Gland Removal

Salivary Gland Removal - Dr. Atilla SengorSalivary Gland Removal - Dr. Atilla Sengor

Dr Atilla Sengör, works on endoscopic surgeries in the field of ENT. In addition to his nasal and paranasal sinus experience, he has been the pioneer of sialendoscopy (salivary gland endoscopy), in Turkey since 2004. He adapted and popularised the pneumatic lithotripsy method for sialendoscopic use. In this way, almost all stages of salivary gland stones can be fragmented and removed while preserving the duct and gland. He has been using this combination, which requires advanced endoscopic experience, patience and dedication, since 2007. He has published a book entitled "Current Approach to Salivary Gland Ductal Pathologies - Diagnostic and Interventional Sialendoscopy" (in Turkish;2008).



Septoplasty - Dr. Atilla Sengor

Septoplasty operation is not a simple procedure. Generally it is not alone. The nose and sinuses should investigated in detail to avoid recurrent operations.


Sinus Surgery


FESS - Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery


Tonsils Adenoids and Appendix

Tonsils Adenoids and Appendix - Dr. Atilla SengorTonsils Adenoids and Appendix - Dr. Atilla Sengor

Acute tonsillitis or adenoiditis can be treated with medication. If tonsillectomy is necessary Dr. Atilla Sengor prefers "Thermal Welding" method. In adenoidectomy the current advantage is: the adenoidectomy procedure can be done under endoscopic control to avoid recuurences.


Adenoid Removal


Tonsil Removal

Tonsil Removal - Dr. Atilla Sengor

Dr. Atilla Sengor prefers "Thermal Welding" method for tonsillectomy.



Dr. Atilla Sengor - Dr Atilla Sengor

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Private Patients WelcomePublic Health InsuranceDental Plans Accepted
Dr Atilla Sengor - Consultant at Dr. Atilla Sengor

Dr Atilla Sengor

Job Title:
  English, German, Turkish
  • 1997 / 1 ay Kulak Burun Bogaz Bölümü, Heidelberg Üni.Med.Fac., Germany
  • 1999 / 2 ay Kulak Burun Bogaz Bölümü, Tübingen Üni., Germany
  • 04 / 99 I.Uluslararasi Ses Hastaliklari Sempozyumu, IÜ Tip Fakültesi, Istanbul
  • 10 / 99 Bas-Boyun Bölgesinde Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi Kursu, Tübingen Üni., Germany.
  • 05 / 00 Endoskopik Sinüs Cerrahisi Uygulamali Egitim Kursu, Ege Üni. TF, Izmir
  • 06 / 00 "XVIII Congress of European Rhinologic Society" and "XIX International Symposium on Infection and Allergy of the Nose", Barcelona, Spain (Teblig sunuldu)
  • 08 / 00 Uluslar arasi Katilimli Ses Hastaliklari Sempozyumu, GATA-Ankara
  • 11 / 00 Fonksiyonel ve Plastik Burun Cerrahisi-KBB'de Uluslararasi Konferanslar Dizisi-III, Ege Üni. Tip Fakültesi-Izmir
  • 05 / 01 Yüz Cerrahisi 2001 Septorinoplasti Sempozyumu, IÜ Istanbul Tip Fakültesi-Türk KBB ve BBC Vakfi, Istanbul
  • 09 / 01 Joint Meeting of Turkish-Greek Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery Societies, Belek-Antalya (Teblig sunuldu)
  • 09 / 01 My Technics of FESS with a cadaver head demonstration, Belek, Antalya
  • 09 / 03 Following courses in Annual Meeting of AAOHNS.Orlando, USA:
  • The Advanced Rhinoplasty Course. Peter A Adamson.
  • Revision Tip Rhinoplasty Surgery. Ted A Cook.
  • Advanced Phonomicrosurgery. Steven M Zeitels.
  • Caring for Patients Who Sing:What Otolaryngologists Should Know. Mark S Courey
  • Comprehensive Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea: 2003 Update. Michael Friedman.
  • Advanced Endoscopic Surgery of the Sphenoid Sinus. Carl H Snyderman.
  • 09 / 03 1. Akademi Toplantisi, Istanbul
  • 10 / 03 XXVII. Türk Ulusal ORL ve BBC Kongresi, Kemer, Antalya (Teblig sunuldu).
  • 02 / 04 Sixth international sialendoscopy hands-on course. Geneva, Switzerland.
  • 09 / 04 50th Anniversary Meeting of the American Rhinologic Society, New York
  • 09 / 04 Following courses in Annual Meeting of AAOHNS.New York, USA:
  • Advanced Aesthetic and Functional Rhinoplasty
  • Antimicrobial Guidelines for Acute and Chronis Rhinosinusitis: An Update
  • Rhinoplasty: Functional and Aesthetic Surgery
  • Revision Tip Surgery
  • Update on Allergic and Nonallergic Rhinitis
  • Pearls and Pitfalls in the Management of Difficult to Treat Sinus Disease
  • 05 / 05 XVIII. Türk Ulusal ORL ve BBC Kongresi, Kemer, Antalya (Teblig sunuldu).
  • 02 / 06 Sialendoskopi Semineri, Istanbul (Düzenleyici)
  • 03 / 06 32. Fortbildungskurs in funktionell-ästhetischer Nasenchirurgie. Ulm, Germany
  • 04 / 06 Endoskopik Sinüs Cerrahisi: 15 Yillik Deneyimlerin Paylasilmasi, Istanbul (Düzenleyici)
  • 05 / 06 Fasiyal Plastik Cerrahide Son Gelismeler, Istanbul
  • 03 / 07 Operationskurs Ohrmuschelplastik, Ulm, Germany
  • 03 / 07 Advanced Course in Functional-Aesthetic Rhinoplasty, Ulm, Germany
  • 09 / 07 Endoskopik Sinüs Cerrahisi, Kocaeli
  • 02 / 08 5. Internationaler Erlangener Speicheldrüsenworkshop (Tükürük Bezleri Semineri), Erlangen, Germany
  • •05 / 08 Pediatrik Otolarengoloji günleri, The Marmara Hotel, Istanbul
  • 07 / 08 (Tükürük Bezi Hastaliklari Uluslar arasi Konsensus Toplantisi). Salivary Gland Disease 1st International Accord on Modern Management. Paris, France
  • 09 / 08 American Rhinologic Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA
  • 09 / 08 Following courses in Annual Meeting of AAOHNS, Chicago, USA:
  • Advanced Techniques in Frontal Sinus Surgery
  • Phonomicrosurgery for Benign Pathology
  • Medical/Surgical Management of Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
  • Endoscopic Approaches to the Anterior Skull Base
  • Minimally Invasive Therapy of Salivary Gland Stones
  • 11 / 08 Istanbul KBB ve BBC Dernegi Konferanslar Dizisi I. “Yil 2008 Endoskopik Sinüs Cerrahisinde DurumNedir?”, Istanbul.
  • 04 / 09 Following coruses in Rhinology World 2009 (Dünya Burun Kongresi), Philadelphia, USA:
  • Pediatrik yas grubunda sinüzitlerin yönetimi
  • Pediatrik kronik sinüzitler
  • Balon sinoplasti gerektiren durumlar
  • Burun ucuna yaklasim
  • Rinoplasti
  • 04 / 09 II. Rinoplasti Kursu. Ankara
  • 06 / 09 Istanbul KBB ve BBC Uzmanlari Dernegi 1. Kongresi. Istanbul (konusmaci). Tükürük Bezi Endoskopisi, Sialendoskopi.
  • 11 / 09 KBB Robotik Cerrahi Toplantisi (TORS). Namur, Belgium
  • 03 / 12 I. Uluslararasi Sialendoskopi Kongresi (FISC). Geneva, Switzerland (Konusmaci, Bildiri Ödülü)
  • 05 / 12 Avrupa Çocuk Kulak Burun Bogaz Dernegi (European Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology) 11. Uluslararasi Kongresi (ESPO 2012). Amsterdam, Holland.
Show Phone Number

Ahmet Adnan Saygun Cd 3, Akmerkez Rezidans, Kat 6, Daire 6C-502, Kültür Mahallesi, Kültür mah., Beşiktaş, İstanbul, 34340Turkey