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Dr. Paolo Petrone, MD - Bari

Dr. Paolo Petrone, MD - Bari

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Via Antonio Lucarelli, 62/H, Bari, 70124Italy

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Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Ear Nose and Throat Clinic - Via Antonio Lucarelli, 62/H, Bari, 70124, Italy. Staff: Paolo Petrone.

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About Dr. Paolo Petrone, MD - Bari

For more information about Dr. Paolo Petrone, MD - Bari in Bari please contact the clinic.
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Ear Nose and Throat


ENT Specialist Consultation

Dr. Paolo Petrone, MD - Bari - Via Antonio Lucarelli, 62/H, Bari, 70124,

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Paolo Petrone - Surgeon at Dr. Paolo Petrone, MD - Bari

Paolo Petrone

Job Title:
He, , doctor-surgeon, specialist in Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. Specializing in Otolaryngology at the OU of ORL, University of Bari, it has developed its own training process at the VU Medisch Centrum in Amsterdam and the Royal Marsden Hospital and Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) in London. It has also thorough training in craniofacial surgery winning the contest in a second surgical specialization, Maxillofacial Surgery, at the University of Milan Bicocca in 2013. He is currently medical director of Otolaryngology at the Hospital San Giacomo di Monopoli ( Bari), after working at the Hospital of the Murgia "Fabio perineum" Altamura (Bari) and the St. Boniface Hospital in Verona. And 'of Otolaryngology professor of Maxillofacial Surgery and Plastic Surgery for AIMS, Italian Academy Doctors Trainees, in the Italian headquarters of Bari, Bologna, Cagliari, Catania, Catanzaro, Chieti, Florence, Genoa, Messina, Milan, Naples, Padua, Palermo, Pisa, Rome, Salerno, Sassari, Siena, Turin, Trieste, Verona, and in the Spanish headquarters of AMIR in Madrid. Since May 2015 is the scientific teaching and responsible for coordinating the dell'AIMS teachers for Italy. Since July 2015 is Lecturer Professor of Respiratory Diseases External Lecturer and Associate Professor of Otolaryngology Outside for the Degree Course in Nursing at the University of Bari. It has numerous publications in scientific journals and national university textbooks and international of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery and dozens of scientific papers in national and international congresses of medical and surgical research projects. Member of the Italian Society of Otolaryngology and Neck Surgery (SIO) and Apulo Group of Otolaryngology (GAO), whose official website is also Webmaster and Managing Editor. In May 2016 he was appointed member of the Executive of the Association Presidency Otolaringologi Italian Hospital with the role of Head of Technological Infrastructures (IT Advisor), and in June 2016 a member of the Presidency of the Italian Society of Otolaryngology and Neck Surgery with the role of Head of Technological Infrastructures (IT Advisor). By appointment in Corato (Bari) and in Bari .
Show Phone Number

Via Antonio Lucarelli, 62/H, Bari, 70124Italy

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