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Nikolaos Tsimpiris - Iatros ORL

Nikolaos Tsimpiris - Iatros ORL

Show Phone Number

Passalidi John 100, PC Kalamaria, Thessaloniki, 55132Greece

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Opening hours

Please contact clinic for their opening hours
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Ear Nose and Throat Clinic - Passalidi John 100, PC Kalamaria, Thessaloniki, 55132, Greece. Staff: Dr Nicholas Tsimpiris.

Popular Treatments

ENT Specialist Consultation
Functional rhinoplasty
Flap for otoplasty correction afestoton ears


Nasopharynx and nasal endoscopy with flexible and rigid endoscopes
Control and treatment of nosebleeds
Shrinkage hypertrophic rhinitis nasal turbinates for applying RF
Endoscopic removal of nasal polyps
Shrinkage nasal turbinate ablation
Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS)

Otosclerosis Treatment

Full Audiometric monitoring of adult and pediatric
See all treatments & prices

About Nikolaos Tsimpiris - Iatros ORL

For more information about Nikolaos Tsimpiris - Iatros ORL in Thessaloniki please contact the clinic.
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Ear Nose and Throat


Ear Infection Treatment




Tympanotomi and ventilation tube placement


Remove ear canal exostosis


Analysis of middle ear with different frequency tympanometry, acoustic reflex assay


ENT Specialist Consultation

Otosclerosis Treatment

Full Audiometric monitoring of adult and pediatric


Check eustachian tube function with or without tympanic perforation


Investigation - treat tinnitus


Endoscopic control boys for hypertrophy adenoids (adenoids)


Study phonation disorders


Otoacoustic emissions (OAE)


Consideration investigating the integrity of the screw getting response after application of complex auditory stimuli.

Parathyroid Gland Removal

Remove stones salivary glands


Remove submandibular gland


Remove parotid gland (superficial and total parotidektomi)


Pharyngeal-laryngeal endoscopy with endoscopes


Diagnostics pharyngo-laryngeal reflux


Nasopharynx and nasal endoscopy with flexible and rigid endoscopes


Control and treatment of nosebleeds


Shrinkage hypertrophic rhinitis nasal turbinates for applying RF


Endoscopic removal of nasal polyps


Shrinkage nasal turbinate ablation


Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS)

Sleep Apnea

Endoscopic examination for investigation of snoring and sleep apnea


Assay Mueller for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea

Tonsils Adenoids and Appendix

Removing adenoids (adenoids)




Chordektomi - removing modules larynx with CO2 laser

Vertigo Treatment

Manipulations diagnosis, treatment of benign paroxysmal position vertigo - kypelolithiasis


Endotympanikes injections for treatment of Meniere disease


Clinical examination of the vestibular system


Vinteonystagmografia (VNG)

Plastic Surgery


Flap for otoplasty correction afestoton ears


Functional rhinoplasty

Nikolaos Tsimpiris - Iatros ORL - Passalidi John 100,  PC Kalamaria, Thessaloniki, 55132,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Nicholas Tsimpiris - Surgeon at Nikolaos Tsimpiris - Iatros ORL

Dr Nicholas Tsimpiris

Job Title:
He was born in Thessaloniki in 1966 He completed his basic training at the 5th High School of Thessaloniki in 1984 introduced after national exams at the Military School Corps Officers (SSAS) and simultaneously at the Medical School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He graduated in 1990. After his service as a doctor of military units trained in the specialty of otolaryngology at 424 Military Training Hospital and then to the General Hospital "George Papanikolaou". After the ENT specialist served as Director of Clinical Military Hospital 412 Xanthi for 5 years. In 2004, he was trained at Karolinska Sjukhuset Stockholm in Sweden. In 2005 he received the title of Doctor of the Democritus University of Thrace. In 2010, after serving as deputy director of the ENT Clinic 424 Military Hospital Thessaloniki, retire with the rank of Colonel Healthcare today acting otolaryngology in his private practice in Kalamaria Thessaloniki.
Show Phone Number

Passalidi John 100, PC Kalamaria, Thessaloniki, 55132Greece