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Queen Square Medical Practice

Queen Square Medical Practice

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2 Queen Square, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA11RPUK

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Opening hours

Monday07:30 - 18:30
Tuesday07:30 - 18:30
Wednesday08:00 - 20:00
Thursday08:00 - 18:30
Friday09:30 - 18:30
Saturday08:30 - 12:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Good ServiceScore™ 6.1 from 10 votes ★ Visit our General Practice - 2 Queen Square, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA11RP, UK.

Popular Treatments

GP Consultation
Sexual Health Advice
Blood Test
Health Check
Diabetes Treatment
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Testing
Urine Test
Flu Vaccine
Blood Pressure Monitoring
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About Queen Square Medical Practice

This eight partner general medical practice is located at the centre of the city of Lancaster. The clinic also has a branch in the village of Caton in the Lune Valley. A range of healthcare services are provided at the clinic. The clinic has disabled access and also offers emergency out of hours services. Home visits are arranged for patients who are too ill to come personally to the clinic. Repeat prescriptions are also provided for patients.

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Patient reviews

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Sheila, UK13.08.2017
Quick response.


  • RCOG - Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (UK) 
  • RCGP - Royal College of General Practitioners (Northern Ireland) 
  • MRCGP - Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners (Northern Ireland) 

General Practice


ECG - Electrocardiogram


Asthma Specialist Consultation


Blood Pressure Monitoring


Blood Test


Children's Health Consultation


Chiropodist Consultation


Diabetes Treatment


Dietician Consultation


Geriatrician Consultation


GP Consultation


Health Check


Men's Health Consultation


Minor Surgery Consultation


Pre-Employment Medicals


Sexual Health Advice


Sexually Transmitted Diseases Testing


Smoking Cessation Consultation


Travel Health Consultation


Urine Test




Flu Vaccine


Vaccination Consultation


Weight Loss Consultation


Women's Health Consultation





Physical Therapy

Obstetrics / Gynaecology


Antenatal Treatment



Heart Disease Treatment

Queen Square Medical Practice - 2 Queen Square, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA11RP,

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Private Patients WelcomeNHS

Dr Simon Wetherell

Job Title:
  General Practitioner
MA BM BCh (Oxon) 1985 DRCOG FRCGP Dr Wetherell was brought up near York, and trained at both Oxford and Cambridge. Most of his General Practice Training has been done in Morecambe Bay. He has worked at Queen Square since 1989. His interests include Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Clinical Governance. He is the Lead GP for Diabetes in the Lancashire North CCG. Dr. Wetherell is the senior partner of Queen Square Medical Practice.

Dr Jeremy Marriott

Job Title:
  General Practitioner
MB ChB (Birmingham) 1986, FRCGP. Dr Marriott went to Medical School in Birmingham. After his training he worked mainly in the North West, but spent 15 months in Auckland, New Zealand. His interests in the practice include musculoskeletal problems, Travel Medicine and drug and alcohol rehabilitation services. He has been a partner at Queen Square since 1992. He is Chair of the Urgent Care Board for the Lancashire North CCG.

Dr Alison Bateman

Job Title:
  General Practitioner
MB ChB (Sheffield) 1989 DCH MRCGP Dr Bateman was brought up in Manchester, and trained in Sheffield. After a spell working in New Zealand, she completed her GP training in Glasgow, before moving to Lancaster, where she has been with the practice since 1994. Her interests in the practice are in women's health, and Family Planning. She is a Family Planning Trainer. She works as a job- share with her husband, Dr Johnstone. In 2008 Dr Bateman furthered her longstanding interest in women’s health by completing a Gynaecology Diploma for Practitioners with a Special Interest. Following on from this, the Healthub gynaecology, infertility and sexual health services were launched, which now take referrals from other practices in the area.

Dr Nicholas Johnstone

Job Title:
  General Practitioner
MB ChB BSc (Dundee) 1986 MRCGP Dr Johnstone was brought up in Bradford, and trained in Dundee. After leaving Medical School, he completed part of his General Practice Training in the UK before working as a Medical Officer in the Antarctic for a year. He then moved to Auckland, New Zealand, where he met his wife, Dr Bateman, who is also a GP in the practice. He has been a partner since 1994, and his interests include medical computing, and psychiatry.
Show Phone Number

2 Queen Square, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA11RPUK

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